Preparing for Anzac Day

Anzac Day is the most sacred day of commemoration on the Australian calendar. These photos show Anzac Day commemorations in each state and territory in 2020. As we saw last year, community spirit ensures the Anzac Day legacy continues in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Though few people were able to attend most of the services last year, we all found a way to honour the service and sacrifice of Australian defence personnel throughout our nation’s history, despite the circumstances. Nowhere was this more evident than in the driveway Dawn Services that flourished across the country.

As COVID-19 restrictions ease, it should be possible to conduct relatively normal Anzac Day commemorations, with larger numbers of people being able to take part.

While our traditional overseas commemorations, such as those in Turkey and France, will not proceed, the Australian Government is organising a National Commemorative Service at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, which will be broadcast nationally on the ABC.

The RSL, ex-service organisations and community groups, supported by state and territory governments, are also organising events in other cities, and various towns throughout regional Australia.

Whether we tune in to the national service, attend a local service, or pause in our driveways or in our homes, it is important that, as in 2020, the pandemic doesn’t prevent us from remembering the more than 102,000 Australians who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

As always, please follow the latest health advice from your local authorities.

Please keep an eye on this website and that of your local RSL branch for up-to-date information closer to 25 April.

A man in an army uniform and another man in an RAAF uniform stand to attention at a cenotaph.          A bugler plays the trumpet against the backdrop of the Opera House at dawn.

Images: (top left) Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne / National War Memorial, Adelaide / Darwin Cenotaph / State War Memorial, Perth - courtesy RSLWA, (bottom left) Australian War Memorial, Canberra (top right) Sydney Opera House - courtesy Daniel Boud (bottom right) the RSL is helping Australians conduct service at home, go to 

Men and women wearing navy uniforms stand to attention with the Hobart Cenotaph in the background

Images: (top) the Eternal Flame at Hobart Cenotaph (bottom) Anzac Day parade, Brisbane. 

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