Transition And Wellbeing Research Programme: Pathways to Care Report (2018)


This Pathways to Care Report is the second of eight reports and two papers that comprise the Transition and Wellbeing Research Programme (the Programme). The Programme is the most comprehensive study undertaken in Australia on the impact of military service on the mental, physical and social health of Transitioned and 2015 Regular Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and their families (the study populations).

This report complements the first report, Mental Health Prevalence, which explored the prevalence of 12-month and lifetime mental disorder in the Transitioned ADF and compared self-reported symptoms in Transitioned ADF with 2015 Regular ADF members.

Pathways to Care investigates how transitioned and 2015 regular ADF access, use and value mental health services. This includes the proportion who received care, the type of care received, reasons for seeking care, pathways into care, satisfaction with services, funding of services and their attitudes and beliefs about mental health and seeking care.

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