Assistive communication devices
RAP Schedule number |
BA04 [refer to RAP Schedule] |
Definition of ‘assistive communication device’ |
DVA defines an assistive communication device as one which assists clients who have complex communication needs. Devices may include:
DVA will only provide one assistive communication device per client, unless there is an assessed clinical need to the contrary. Note: Computers are provided solely for the purpose of running speech pathology applications. Provision for any other purpose will not be considered. A smart phone will only be supplied where the client has a particular need that cannot be fulfilled by a tablet. DVA does not fund additional software, accessories (e.g. cases, screen protectors, headphones, additional chargers), antivirus applications, mobile phone plans or internet access. This is the responsibility of the client. |
Eligibility |
The DVA client must have an assessed clinical need and a:
The client also needs to have complex communication needs, and sufficient physical and cognitive abilities to operate the device. |
Suitably Qualified Health Provider |
Assistive communications devices must be prescribed by a suitably qualified assessing health provider. For this item, these include:
Prior Approval |
Prior approval is required for the supply of all assistive communications devices and apps/software. |
Deciding on the most appropriate item |
An assessment needs to be conducted by a suitably qualified assessing health provider to determine the clinical need for the assistive communication device. |
Request for item |
The suitably qualified assessing health provider should complete and email the D1382 — Request for assistive communication device and/or speech pathology applications form and any supporting documentation as detailed below to DVA rapgeneralenquiries [at] (RAPGeneralEnquiries[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au) for consideration through the prior approval process. |
Supporting documentation for prior approval request |
Supporting documentation must be attached with the prior approval request and should include:
Additional information
Australian Standards and legislative requirements |
There are no Australian Standards for assistive communication devices. If Australian Standards are developed, compliance would be required. |
Health Provider Hotline |
Health Providers can contact DVA for any enquiries by calling the Provider Hotline: |