Electric Recliner Chairs
RAP Schedule number |
AC06 [refer to RAP Schedule] |
Definition |
DVA defines an electric recliner chair as an electrically operated chair intended for use by persons with a permanent inability to transfer or sit erect. DVA does not provide chairs with heating and massage units or chairs that build into normal lounge set ups. |
Eligibility |
The DVA client must have a clinical need and a:
Clients in a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) Please refer to the RAP in Residential Aged Care List to determine items available to residents of aged care facilities. Consent from the RACF management must be obtained before an assessment commences as the provision of such an item may create a safety issue for staff and other residents of the facility. Electric recliner chairs issued under the RAP National Schedule of Equipment prior to permanent entrance into RACF care may be retained subject to approval of the RACF. |
Prescribing |
Suitably qualified health provider |
Electric recliner chairs must be prescribed by a suitable qualified assessing health provider. For this type of item, these include:
Prior approval |
Prior approval is only required when the supply limit of more than one per person, including the replacement of the electric recliner chair, arises. |
Deciding on the most appropriate item |
Electric recliner chairs are provided under RAP when a client has a clinical condition making them unable to:
Electric recliner chairs are not provided:
Before prescribing:
Note: Clinical notes may be requested by DVA. The assessing health provider should keep a copy of the assessment. |
Request for item |
Send the completed form with supporting clinical information to DVA at rapgeneralenquiries@dva.gov.au. DVA will confirm eligibility and consider the request based on the supporting information.
Supporting documentation for prior approval request |
The supporting documentation is only required to:
Supporting information should document the client’s clinically assessed need, any assessments or reviews and results of trials that helped determine the most suitable chair. |
Additional information |
Ancillary equipment |
Recliner chairs come with a footrest and back support, which may require customisation. Accessories may be supplied, e.g. neck supports. DVA does not install utilities such as power points for recliner chairs. This is the responsibility of the home owner. If the client moves into a RACF, they need to obtain permission from the RACF’s management to relocate the recliner chair. If permission is granted, DVA will continue to maintain the chair. Note: Some DVA items are hired for an initial 12 month period and during this time the item remains the property of the RAP contracted supplier. If the client no longer requires the item within the first 12 months, the item must be returned to the contracted supplier. After the 12 month hire period – purchase period has elapsed, the item is paid for, the equipment remains with the veteran, or if the item is not wanted, the contracted supplier can be contacted to discuss the return of the item. |
Australian Standards and legislative requirements |
There are no Australian Standards for recliner chairs. If Australian Standards are developed, compliance would be required. |
Health Provider Hotline |
1800 550 457 |