Increases to allied health services, including mental health services, for DVA clients in aged care residential facilities
The provision of allied health services, including mental health services, to DVA clients residing in aged care facilities, has been increased until 30 June-2022, in response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care’s recommendations on COVID-19.
From 10 December 2020, aged care residents, including DVA clients, will be able to access up to 20 mental health services per year from general practitioners or allied mental health providers.
Aged care residents, including DVA clients, will also be able to access up to 10 allied health services per calendar year under a chronic disease management plan.
For high care residents, services in excess of these limits will be considered under DVA’s prior approval arrangements, as is currently the case. Low care residents may continue to access allied health services as they currently do, under DVA card arrangements.
When claiming the new items for DVA clients, the invoice to Services Australia must be submitted through the DVA Medical Online channel using practice management software. Or, if you use DVA Webclaim, by selecting ‘General Medical Service’ from the Service Type menu on the ‘Fill In Claims Details’ screen.
These items cannot be claimed through DVA Allied Health Online, nor using the ‘Allied Health Service’ service type through DVA Webclaim.
The DVA Fee Schedules and Notes for allied health providers have been updated to include the claiming requirements. Providers are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the new arrangements before providing services.
Further details on the new items, including patient and provider eligibility, can be found on the MBS Online website.
Any queries related to the interpretation of these new MBS items should be directed to askMBS [at] (askMBS[at]health[dot]gov[dot]au)