75th anniversary of Australian service in the Malayan Emergency

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Service:Nationally broadcast commemorative service to mark the 75th anniversary of Australian service in the Malayan Emergency
Date:Sunday 31 August 2025
Venue:To be confirmed
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To mark the 75th anniversary of Australian service in the Malayan Emergency, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) will hold a National Commemorative Service in Canberra on 31 August 2025.

Britain declared a State of Emergency in Malaya in June 1948 in response to escalating violence by communist guerrillas seeking to overthrow the colonial administration. Australian involvement in the conflict began with the deployment of two Royal Australian Air Force squadrons to Singapore in 1950. Australian Army and Royal Australian Navy personnel also served in Malaya from 1955.

The Malayan government officially declared the Emergency over on 31 July 1960, however Australian forces remained on anti-communist operations until August 1963. It was the nation’s longest continuous military commitment of the 20th century. Tragically, 39 Australian servicemen died and 27 were wounded as a result of their service in the Malayan Emergency. 

The commemorative service will be held on Malaya and Borneo Veterans’ Day. Whilst DVA also acknowledges the service of veterans in the Indonesian Confrontation on this day, this event will commemorate service in the Malayan Emergency only.

More information about the commemorative service will be made available soon.

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Contact information

Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Phone: 1800 838 372 within Australia
Tel: +61 2 6289 1133 from outside Australia
Email: Commemorative.Events@dva.gov.au 

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