Report a DVA suspected scam

Using this form

A scam is a way of tricking people into handing over money or personal details.

Use this form to submit an online report of a DVA suspected scam. Once completed, press the 'Submit' button to complete the process. Please call 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) if you need assistance to complete this form.

To submit an online Complaint, Compliment or Suggestion to us about our programs, staff or services, please use the Feedback form.

To report a fraud allegation use the Report a Fraud form or call 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)

Reporting a DVA suspected scam

About you
What is your relationship to the DVA?
About the scam
Did you receive the scam?
How did you receive the scam?
Did the scam offer a product or service from DVA:
What did the scam offer?
Select all that apply
Did the scam have any of the following DVA information?
Select all that apply
Did you provide personal information to the scammer?
Select all information you provided:
Is this report about a data breach?
Have you been notified your details may be at risk due to a recent data breach?
For guidance on what to do for a specific data breach refer to:
or call IDCARE on 1800 595 160
We may need to contact you to obtain more information about the suspected DVA scam.
We will not call you unless we require further information
Would you like to receive further information about scams?
DVA Staff only
Staff assisted form completion?