Special Rate Disability Pension

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SRDP is a benefit for veterans who are under pension age and are unable to work due to their accepted conditions. 

From 1 July 2026, the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA) and Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence related claims) Act 1988 (DRCA) will close to new claims for rehabilitation and compensation and DVA will consider claims submitted from that date under an improved Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA).
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What is Special Rate Disability Pension?

SRDP is for veterans whose capacity for work has been severely restricted because of conditions due to military service. 

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Am I eligible? 

Veterans can be assessed for SRDP if they are eligible to receive MRCA incapacity benefits and they have been assessed at 50+ impairment points. 

From 1 July 2026, veterans currently covered under the DRCA and the VEA may qualify for SRDP under the MRCA, subject to meeting the necessary eligibility criteria. Find out more in the “What will happen from 1 July 2026?” section below. 

If you become eligible to receive SRDP under the MRCA you will be offered the choice to receive SRDP payments. You will have 12 months from the date of the offer to decide. Note that there are financial implications attached to your decision, which is why you will be required to obtain advice from a suitably qualified financial adviser prior to making the decision to receive SRDP.

Once you make a choice to receive SRDP, it cannot be changed at a later stage.

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How do I apply?

You may request an assessment of your eligibility for SRDP either in writing by email to srdp@dva.gov.au or by contacting DVA by phone on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).

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What will happen from 1 July 2026?

With the commencement of new legislation from 1 July 2026, veterans with eligibility under the DRCA and the VEA may (as noted above) be assessed as eligible for SRDP under the MRCA. 

Eligibility for SRDP is subject to meeting the following requirements: 

  • a veteran is in receipt of incapacity payments under the MRCA; and 
  • a veteran is assessed with 50 or more impairment points (per MRCA assessment principles); 
  • DVA has confirmation from the veteran’s treating medical specialist(s) that the veteran is unable to work more than 10 hours per week; and
  • DVA has confirmation from the veteran’s treating medical specialist(s) that rehabilitation is unlikely to improve the veteran’s ability to work. 

SRDP is paid in lieu of incapacity payments under the MRCA.

Whilst you can start the process of gathering documents to apply under the MRCA, only claims from 1 July 2026 will be considered under this expanded eligibility. 

Current MRCA veterans

The process for SRDP eligibility, claiming and entitlements will remain the same for MRCA veterans. 

Current DRCA veterans

The impairment point requirement for SRDP eligibility will remain the same at 50 impairment points for DRCA veterans. However, the calculation method of impairment is different between the DRCA and the MRCA, with impairments under the MRCA being assessed on a ‘whole-of-person’ basis.  

MRCA incapacity benefits have the same certification requirements as DRCA incapacity benefits.   

Veterans who are determined as SRDP eligible also receive a TPI embossed veteran card.

Importantly, there is no ability to claim for SRDP under the MRCA. A veteran’s eligibility is assessed by DVA as soon as becoming aware that a veteran meets the necessary criteria. 

Current VEA veterans

SRDP is based on the rate of Special Rate (or TPI) Disability Compensation under the VEA. 

Once eligible, veterans will automatically receive a Gold Card with ‘TPI’ embossing and will be offered the choice to receive SRDP payments in lieu of their incapacity payments. 

While the SRDP shares some similarities with VEA Special Rate Disability Compensation, the offsetting arrangements are different.

The SRDP is offset dollar for dollar by the weekly equivalent of any MRCA and/or DRCA PI paid and by the weekly equivalent of any VEA Disability Compensation Payment(s) being received.

SRDP is also offset at a rate of 60 cents in the dollar of the ‘Commonwealth-funded’ component of any superannuation payment a veteran may be eligible to receive.

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Additional Resources

There is a range of additional resources available on the Legislation Reform website covering a variety of topics. These include: Incapacity Benefits, Additional Disablement Amount (ADA), and the Veteran Card.

There are individual pages for different veteran cohorts including VEA veterans, DRCA veterans, MRCA veterans and family members of veterans.

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