KPMG Review of TPI Benefits

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The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) commissioned KPMG to examine the TPI Federation’s campaign for an increase in the TPI payment.

KPMG analysed the arguments put forward by the TPI Federation in support of their campaign against the legislative and policy basis for the current TPI payment rate.  The same analysis was also conducted on an alternative payment structure proposed by the Disabled Veterans of Australia Network.  This included investigation of the overall levels of support available for TPI veterans and consideration of whether any cohorts of the TPI population need greater assistance than others.

KPMG also compared the draft recommendations of the Productivity Commission review A Better Way to Support Veterans, released on 11 December 2018, against the TPI Federation’s response to the draft Productivity Commission report and their proposed alternative recommendations.

The KPMG Review of TPI Benefits was completed and provided to DVA on 15 November 2019.

Find the PDF document KPMG Review of the TPI Benefits here. 

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