Defence, Veterans’ and Families’ Acute Support Package Act 2022

The Defence, Veterans’ and Families’ Acute Support Package Act 2022 (the Act) received Royal Assent on 7 October 2022.

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About the Act

The purpose of the Act is to provide targeted, intensive support to veteran families adjusting to new and challenging life circumstances. It is intended that the Defence, Veterans’ and Families’ Acute Support Package will extend eligibility for financial support to a wider range of veterans and their families than the previous Family Support Package.

Further information about this Act, including the text of the Bill, the Explanatory Memorandum and the Minister’s Second Reading Speech.

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Schedule 1 - Main Amendments

This Act makes amendments to the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA), Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) and Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA).

These amendments mean that working age veterans and their families eligible for certain payments under the three main Acts, who are at risk of or in crisis will be able to access support under the package.

The Act removes the requirement for veterans to have warlike service or be participating in a rehabilitation program. This ensures that support is provided on the basis of need rather than service type.

The measure also removes existing financial caps on individual types of services. Instead, there is a financial cap on the total support that can be provided. This means that families will have access to a package of support tailored to their circumstances and needs. Families will be assisted by a DVA service coordinator.

Types of support available under the package

The amendments under the Schedule significantly expand the range of supports available under the former program. This includes:

  • Child care assistance
  • Household assistance such as garden maintenance and meal preparation
  • Capacity building support including in relation to financial literacy, relationship skills, and mental health first aid
  • Counselling including a range of life skills counselling as well as clinical counselling
  • Academic and other support for children

This support will enable veterans and their families to access practical services that will improve their well-being.

Further details of the support package will be set out in legislative instruments.

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Schedule 1 - Other Amendments

The Act also makes amendments to the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Social Security Act 1991. This means that payments made under the Act will be exempt from income tax and will not be included as income for the purposes of social security law.

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