Overview of benefits and services you may receive

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This page provides an overview of the benefits and services available to eligible F-111 deseal/reseal and other fuel tank maintenance workers, family members and other personnel who worked at RAAF Base Amberley at the time of the F-111 deseal/reseal programs.

If you have suffered ill-health as a result of your service, including your F-111 work involving fuel tank entry between 1973 and 2000, you may be eligible to receive compensation and health-care for conditions arising from this service.

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Who is an F-111 deseal/reseal or other fuel tank maintenance worker?

For the purposes of receiving health care, compensation, counselling and, in some circumstances, an ex-gratia payment, an F-111 deseal/reseal or other fuel tank maintenance worker is someone who has received a Tier 1, 2 or 3 classification.

Personnel who have worked on fuel tanks of other RAAF aircraft, for example Hercules and Orions, who have a condition they believe is related to their service should contact DVA.

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Who is a family member or other personnel who worked at RAAF Base Amberley?

For the purposes of receiving access to Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling, a 'family member' generally includes the partners and children of SHOAMP Health Care Scheme Group 1 participants (that is, Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 classified workers).

Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling services are also available to other service personnel and civilian employees who are not covered by the Group 1 definition, but who were employed at RAAF Base Amberley during the F-111 deseal/reseal programs - the 1st and 2nd deseal/reseal programs 1977-82 and 1991-93; the spray seal program 1996-99; and the wings deseal/reseal program 1985-92.

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Benefits and services for F-111 workers, family members and other personnel who worked at RAAF Base Amberley

Benefits and services available to F-111 workers, family members and other personnel.
 Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Family members of F-111 personnelOther workers at RAAF Base AmberleyPage reference
Ex-gratia lump sum payment $40,000Y    F111-02, F111-05
Ex-gratia lump sum payment $10,000 Y   F111-02, F111-05
Access to compensation under subsection 7(2) of DRCAYYY  F111-04
SHOAMP Health Care Scheme, Group 1 statusYYY  F111-07
SHOAMP Health Care Scheme, Group 2 status   YYF111-07
Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling servicesYYYYYF111-07
Better Health Program - screening and disease prevention informationYYY  F111-09


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