Benefits under the VEA

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Under the VEA, compensation is paid as a fortnightly pension. VEA benefits are paid for life and, depending on the level of Disability Compensation Payment, may include access to the Veteran Gold Card for health care treatment. Offsetting provisions apply to VEA Disability Compensation Payments where the same condition is accepted under both the VEA and the DRCA.

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Other benefits available under the VEA

Other benefits payable under the VEA, include:

  • war widow’s and orphan’s pension, in the event of the veterans’ death where the death is related to service;
  • health care treatment cards for specific conditions, or full treatment for all conditions;
  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card;
  • aids and appliances;
  • counselling services;
  • educational benefits to children;
  • rent assistance;
  • income support payments to eligible veterans’ and their dependants.
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Am I eligible?

You are covered under the VEA for injury, disease or death occurring as a result of the following ADF service:

  • peacetime service (after completion of three year qualification period) – from 7 December 1972 to 6 April 1994. Members who enlisted before 2 May 1986 and were still serving after 7 April 1994 are also covered
  • all periods of operational service, peacekeeping service and declared hazardous service
  • warlike or non-warlike operations in East Timor, Afghanistan or Iraq or in any other similarly declared operation
  • warlike or non-warlike operations in East Timor, Afghanistan or Iraq or in any other similarly declared operation up to 01 July 2004.

To claim a Disability Compensation Payment you need to complete a Claim for Disability Compensation Payment and/or Application for Increase in Disability Compensation Payment (D2582) form.

When completing the form you must clearly state the reasons why you think the condition is related to your service. You must also seek your doctor’s diagnosis of the condition being claimed and the time of onset of the condition.

You may be required to provide other evidence to support your claim. For instance, you may be asked to provide information on your employment history, details of injuries or accidents, or other personal details relating to your claim.

A copy of the form can be obtained through the DVA website or by contacting your nearest DVA office on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).

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