Motor Vehicle Compensation Scheme

Last updated:

If you have an accepted service-related injury or illness that limits your mobility, we may help with the cost of modifying a vehicle to suit your needs.

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Who can receive it

You may be eligible for MVCS if you:

  • are impaired because of an injury or condition accepted under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA)
  • are clinically assessed as:
    • unable to drive safely in a vehicle without driving or other modifications; or
    • unable to be driven safely and reasonably comfortably in a vehicle without modifications; and 
  • would benefit from using the vehicle at least twice a week

The eligibility criteria and conditions under which funding may be considered are set out in the Motor Vehicle Compensation Scheme Legislative Instrument. 

If your injury or condition has been accepted under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA), please visit the Vehicle Assistance Scheme instead.

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What you can receive

If you're eligible, we may be able to pay a subsidy towards or the total cost of:

  • driving or other clinically required modifications to a vehicle you already own; or
  • driving or other clinically required modifications to a vehicle you purchase at your own cost; or 
  • a vehicle with driving or other clinically required modifications to assist you to drive safely, or if you cannot drive, to be driven in safety and reasonable comfort.

We may also partly or entirely pay for:

  • repairs and maintenance for vehicle modifications
  • any extra insurance cost related to the modifications; and
  • a replacement vehicle once your current subsidised vehicle is 5 years old, or has driven 100,000km after it was purchased or modified (whichever last occured), and is assessed as being no longer safe or suitable.
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How you claim

There are a few ways you can request assistance from MVCS.

You can:

  • fill out a compensation form, and tick the box for ' Vehicle modifications ' in Part F
  • send us a letter requesting compensation under MVCS
  • let your needs assessor know that you'd like vehicle modifications
  • talk to your rehabilitation assessor about trouble you're having with driving; or
  • contact us directly

If you want to claim through a compensation form, you'll need to follow all instructions on the form, and provide your identity documents.

Mail your compensation form or letter (and a certified copy of any required identity documents) to:

GPO Box 9998, BRISBANE QLD 4001

If you're eligible, we'll ask a Driver Trained Occupational Therapist (OT) to assess your clinical needs. They will make a recommendation about any necessary driving devices or other modifications that will make a vehicle safe at the minimum cost. We will consider their recommendations and contact you with our decision.

Your OT will also teach you (or your preferred driver) how to use your modified vehicle safely if you need this.

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Things you should know

  • If you live in residential care and aren't able to leave, we can't provide you with assistance under MVCS.
  • If we help you buy a vehicle, you'll need to register, insure it comprehensively for its full value, and maintain it.
  • You will need to discuss any transactions you wish to make involving your modified vehicle with us as this may affect your entitlement.
  • If you disagree with a decision we've made under the MVCS, you can ask us to review your claim. You must make a request for a review in writing within three months of the decision. Your request must provide reasons why you consider the decision is incorrect. If you're unhappy with the outcome of the review, you may seek review by the Administrative Review Tribunal.
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What to tell us

If anything changes that could affect your entitlements, you need to let us know within 14 days (or 28 days if you receive the Remote Area Allowance or live overseas).

You need to tell us if you:

  • are planning to move into residential care
  • intend to sell, give away or dispose of your vehicle
  • intend to use your vehicle as security for a loan; or
  • anything else changes that could affect your entitlements
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