New South Wales Event Calendar

Last updated:

The following activities are planned in New South Wales for Veterans' Health Week 2024.

Refer to the PDF for full details of each event: 

OrganisationEvent TitleDate of EventStart timeEvent Contact PhoneEvent contact emailEvent AddressEvent SuburbRSVP 
Randwick Family Centre IncorporatedGet Connected1/10/202411:00 AM0449163904randwickfamilycentre [at] outlook.com373A Avoca StRandwick24/09/2024
Invictus AustraliaTeam Veteran Urban Rec - Newcastle2/10/20246:30 PM0488 454 688jmartyn [at] invictusaustralia.orgRegent StreetNew Lambton30/09/2024
Veteran Surf Project LimitedSurf, Sand, Sun & Social - For veterans who need to get back outside2/10/20249:00 AM0414 245 216rusty [at] veteransurfproject.org220 Crooked River RoadGerroa30/09/2024
Randwick Family Centre IncorporatedRe-connect2/10/20246:00 PM0449163904randwickfamilycentre [at] outlook.com60 Raglan StMalabar23/09/2024
Merewether Heights Public School P&C AssociationConnect & Play- Sensory Adventures morning for Veteran and Defence Families and children.2/10/20248:30 AM0407716388admin [at] mhpspandc.org156 Scenic DriveMerewether Heights23/09/2024
Saltwater Veterans LtdStaying Connected - On the Water - Sydney3/10/20249:00 AM0451574791sailingproject [at] saltwaterveterans.orgManly Sailing, East EsplanadeManly28/09/2024
Soldier On LimitedPages of Connection- The Soldier On Book Club
3/10/202412:00 PM02 6188 6158
dean.mainey [at]
3/126 John Street
Commando Welfare TrustCommando Welfare Trust Stay Connected Work Out of the Day Bondi Beach4/10/20245:00 AM0477308443trustxo [at] commandotrust.comBondi outdoor gymBondi 13/09/2024
Families of Veterans GuildVHW Wellbeing Event: Weekday Intergenerational EcoWalks Tours4/10/202410:00 AM02 9267 6577guild [at] Middle Head RoadMosman27/09/2024
Randwick Family Centre IncorporatedBike n Blend4/10/202411:30 AM0449163904randwickfamilycentre [at] outlook.com373A Avoca streetRandwick 27/09/2024
Cumberland RSL Sub-branchWelfare Muster: Sport- Ten Pin Bowling4/10/202411:00 AM0438007770President [at] Liverpool StStrathfield South20/09/2024
Soldier On LimitedPages of Connection- The Soldier On Book Club Social Health Event 
4/10/202410:00 AM02 61886187
rose.savastaerba [at]
9 Four Mile Creek Road
Sailing On WA Inc.Reconnect Sail5/10/20249:00 AM0422 504 286bosunnsw [at] Yacht ClubSydney30/09/2024
Military Brotherhood MMC Illawarra Sub Branch IncorporatedThrottle Therapy - Keep Connected5/10/20249:00 AM0412404630clarrymbmmc [at] gmail.com1Allowrie StJamberoo4/10/2024
Nabiac RSL SubBranchConnection through fishing5/10/20247:30 AM0419615497arthur.chapman [at] rockpool road TuncurryTuncurry NSW1/10/2024
Veteran Surf Project LimitedSurf, Sand, Sun & Social - For enlisted ADF and family members5/10/20249:00 AM0414 245 216rusty [at] veteransurfproject.org220 Crooked River Road Gerroa30/09/2024
Families of Veterans GuildVHW Wellbeing Event: Weekend Intergenerational EcoWalks Tour5/10/202410:00 AM02 9267 6577guild [at] Middle Head RoadMosman27/09/2024
Randwick Family Centre IncorporatedBraiding and Bonding5/10/20242:00 PM0449163904randwickfamilycentre [at] outlook.comRandwick Family Centre, Randwick Army Barracks, 373A Avoca StreetRandwick27/09/2024
Woronora River RSL Sub BranchConnecting Creativity and Community (1)6/10/20241:00 PM0403194383woronora-riversb [at] Prince Edward Park roadWoronora23/09/2024
Soldier On LimitedPages of Connection- The Soldier On Book Club Event 
4/10/202411:00 AM james.milliss [at]
450 The Esplanade
Warners Bay
Soldier On LimitedSoldier On Veteran and Family Picnic and Games Day8/10/202412:00 PM02 6188 6158dean.mainey [at] Point ParkSingleton4/10/2024
City of Newcastle RSL Sub BranchSports Trivia Night with City of Newcastle RSL sub-Branch and Invictus Australia8/10/20246:00 PM0412871763NewcastleSB [at] Baker StreetMayfield1/10/2024
Invictus AustraliaLearn to Sail in Jervis Bay8/10/20249:00 AM0459444550ddimmock [at] invictusaustralia.org42 Boorawine TerraceCallala Bay3/10/2024
Woronora River RSL Sub BranchConnecting Creativity and Community (2 ONLINE)9/10/202410:00 AM0403194383woronora-riversb [at] Prince Edward Park roadWoronora18/09/2024
Veteran Surf Project LimitedSurf, Sand, Sun & Social - For ex serving ADF and family members9/10/20248:00 AM0414 245 216rusty [at] veteransurfproject.org220 Crooked River Road GerroaGerroa2/10/2024
Families of Veterans GuildVHW Wellbeing Event: Weekday Sound Healing 9/10/202411:30 AM02 9267 6577guild [at] Help StreetChatswood4/10/2024
Merewether Heights Public School P&C AssociationFinding connection through artistic expression: Creating Making Poppies with our service families.9/10/20248:30 AM0407716388admin [at] mhpspandc.org156 Scenic DriveMerewether Heights1/10/2024
Invictus AustraliaInvictus Australia Football Clinic with the Western Sydney Wanderers. 10/10/202410:00 AM0488 454 688jmartyn [at] invictusaustralia.org81 Eastern RoadRooty Hill4/10/2024
Soldier On LimitedPages of Connection- The Soldier On Book Club10/10/202412:00 PM02 6188 6187rose.savastaerba [at] Hunter StreetNewcastle West3/10/2024
RSL Lifecare Ltd(re)Connection Camp11/10/20249:00 AM0406787684alan [at] ReserveHornsby7/10/2024
Keith Payne VC Veterans Benefit GroupSocial Connectedness Through Exercise and Diet - Women in Defence Forum11/10/202411:30 AM0428443361rick.meehan2 [at] gmail.com489A Albatross RoadNOWRA HILL4/10/2024
Invictus Australia(not)parkrun Walking Group - Maitland11/10/20249:30 AM0434511073jmartyn [at] invictusaustralia.orgMaitland Riverside CarparkMaitland4/10/2024
Cumberland RSL Sub-branchMEAO Commemoration11/10/202410:30 AM0438007770President [at] James StLidcombe27/09/2024
Soldier On LimitedWalking for Veterans Wellness and Social Health Singleton
11/10/20249:30 AM401829404dean.mainey [at] John Street 
Nabiac RSL SubBranchStaying Connected through exercise12/10/202410:00 AM0419615497arthur.chapman [at] trades CourtForster8/10/2024
Sailing On WA Inc.Reconnect Sail12/10/20249:30 AM0447 447 788bosunnsw [at] Yacht ClubSydney30/09/2024
Harbord RSL sub BranchThe Power of Connection12/10/20249:30 AM0412 427 048HarbordSB [at] Evans StreetFreshwater4/10/2024
Kingscliff RSL Sub-BranchKingscliff RSL Sub-Branch Park Ron or Walk12/10/20248:00 AM0429 020 957kingscliffsb [at] Bells BlvdKingscliff5/10/2024
Bellinger River RSL sub-BranchKeeping Veterans Connected12/10/20249:00 AM0414355248bellinger-riversb [at] StBellingen7/10/2024
Invictus AustraliaJoin Team Veteran at Huskisson parkrun12/10/20248:00 AM0459444550ddimmock [at] invictusaustralia.orgMoona Moona CreekHuskisson11/10/2024
Bundeena RSL sub-Branch Veterans Health Week Kayak Day12/10/202410:00 [at] gmail.com2 Sea Breeze LaneBonnie Vale4/10/2024
Invictus AustraliaRun, walk, roll or volunteer at parkrun!!!!12/10/20248:00 AM0488 454 688jmartyn [at] invictusaustralia.org55 Scobies LaneMaitland11/10/2024
Tamworth RSL sub-BranchWalk and Talk in the Park12/10/202410:00 AM0432457784trslsub [at] Park, Kable Avenue Tamworth10/11/2024
Invictus AustraliaCome & Try Dragon Boating 12/10/202410:30 AM0459444550ddimmock [at] invictusaustralia.orgScenic DriveNowra10/10/2024
Springwood Neighbourhood Centre CooperativeConnect Create Celebrate12/10/202411:00 AM0416225086manager [at] (manager[at]sncc[dot]org[dot]au)104 - 108 Macquarie RdSpringwood7/10/2024
Families of Veterans GuildVHW Wellbeing Event: Weekend Sound Healing 12/10/202411:45 AM02 9267 6577guild [at] (guild[at]fov[dot]org[dot]au)1/57 Cronulla StreetCronulla4/10/2024
Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (VVAA) St Marys Outpost IncWalk and Talk to Keep Connected12/10/20247:30 AM0418247325vietvet [at] Mamre Rd (VVAA St Marys Outpost "The Train")St Marys10/10/2024
Miranda RSL Sub-BranchArt and Connect12/10/202411:00 AM0422418776miranda-rslsubbranch [at] hotmail.com615 KingswayMIRANDA23/09/2024
Kogarah RSL Sub Branch of the Returned & Services League of Australia Inc.Operation - Back to the Future13/10/202410:00 AM0420906975KogarahSB [at] ParkSYDNEY7/09/2024
Wingham RSL Sub-BranchNutbush in the Park13/10/202411:00 AM0412166294winghamsb [at] Isabella StWingham1/10/2024
Narrabri RSL Sub Branch Narrabri Shire War Memorial Excursion 13/10/20248:00 AM0402225826narrabrirsl.sub.branch [at] gmail.com7 Maitland Street Narrabri13/09/2024
The Entrance Long Jetty RSL Sub BranchBarefoot Bowls Social Day13/10/202410:00 AM0422998405rslsb [at] the Entrance Rd long Jetty LONG JETTY1/10/2024
RSL LifecareSunday Brunch Club13/10/202410:00 AM0472 761 113hello [at] Wallace StreetNowra4/10/2024
Kirribilli RSL Sub-BranchKeep Connected with Bowls13/10/202412:00 PM0400756214kirribillisb [at] 50 Ridge Street North Sydney1/10/2024
Pelican-Flat RSL Sub BranchMonthly Members Meeting Chaplain Talk "Keeping Connected"13/10/202411:00 AM0402564429secretary [at] Piriwal Street,PELICAN NSW 22811/10/2024
Bingara RSL Sub BranchBinagar RSL Sub Branch Barefoot Bowls Challenge13/10/20244:00 PM0427241699bingarasb [at] StreetBingara1/10/2024
Nabiac RSL SubBranchYoga/Pilates Together 13/10/202410:00 AM0419615497arthur.chapman [at] rockpool road TuncurryTuncurry NSW7/10/2024
Veteran Surf Project LimitedSurf, Sand, Sun & Social - Bring the kids!13/10/20249:00 AM0414 245 216rusty [at] veteransurfproject.org220 Crooked River Road Gerroa6/10/2024
Sussex Inlet RSL sub-BranchVeterans, family and friends Keep Connected Talk and BBQ Lunch13/10/202411:30 AM02 4441 2548Sussex-InletSB [at] Nielson RdSussex Inlet10/10/2024
Kirribilli RSL Sub-BranchKeep Connected with Hobbies14/10/20249:30 AM0400756214kirribillisb [at] Priest BldConcord 1/10/2024
Albion Park RSL Sub BranchDinner, Bowling & Laser Tag14/10/20246:00 PM0403611189favouritecolourred [at] gmail.com47 Princes HighwayALBION PARK RAIL10/10/2024
The Grub Club Education FundStay Connected Stay Well14/10/20246:00 PM0426988226adam.wsv [at] gmail.com41 McIntyre StreetSouth West Rocks14/10/2024
Tamworth Legacy ClubSpring Lunch/Fashion Parade15/10/202412:00 PM0432160199tamworth [at] Barton LaneTamworth1/10/2024
Legacy Club Services - Lithgow DivisionLithgow Legacy lunch - Keeping Connected15/10/202412:00 PM0436 606 520tlewis [at] StreetLithgow10/10/2024
Kirribilli RSL Sub-BranchKeep Connected with Cooking15/10/202410:00 AM0400756214kirribillisb [at] Hospital RoadConcord1/10/2024
Yass sub-Branch the Returned and Services League of AustraliaVeterans Keeping Connected Through Art15/10/202410:00 AM0413337749yasssb [at] Comur StreetYass11/10/2024
Miranda RSL Sub-BranchLawn Bowls and BBQ15/10/202410:30 AM0422418776miranda-rslsubbranch [at] hotmail.com691 KingswayGYMEA1/10/2024
Benchmark Certified Pty LtdKeeping Connected Through Culture and Community16/10/202412:30 PM0428673444richard [at] Hill StreetCaroona30/09/2024
Innoclub LtdFrontline Labs Veteran Business Keep Connected Morning Tea16/10/202410:00 AM0478480278markleatham [at] Chester Hill RoadChester Hill9/10/2024
Returned Services League of NSW Nowra Sub-BranchHealthy Cooking with Craig16/10/202410:00 AM02 4423 6335nowrasbpres [at] Junction StreetNOWRA30/09/2024
St Marys RSL Sub-BranchNepean Riverwalk/talk/lunch for Veterans Health Week16/10/202410:00 AM0414 557 692st-maryssb [at] Centre, Tench ReservePenrith10/10/2024
Cabra-Vale Ex Active Servicemens LtdBowl for our Veterans16/10/202410:00 AM0439545147mail [at] cabravale.com1 Bartley St, Canley Vale9/10/2024
Burwood RSL SubbranchVeterans Health Day16/10/20249:30 AM0407250692subbranch [at] Shaftesbury RoadBurwood4/10/2024
Nabiac RSL SubBranchConnecting through sailing16/10/20247:30 AM0419615497arthur.chapman [at] Hannell St WickhamWickham Newcastle7/10/2024
Albion Park RSL Sub BranchShort stroll or a game of Darts prior to sharing a meal at the Albion Park RSL Memorial Club16/10/202410:00 AM0403611189favouritecolourred [at] gmail.com160 Tongarra RoadALBION PARK10/10/2024
Veteran Surf Project LimitedSurf, Sand, Sun & Social - Revive the soul16/10/20248:00 AM0414 245 216rusty [at] veteransurfproject.org220 Crooked River Road GerroaGerroa16/10/2024
Merewether Heights Public School P&C AssociationHonoring Connections Through Culture16/10/20248:30 AM0407716388admin [at] mhpspandc.org156 Scenic DriveMerewether Heights9/10/2024
Ashfield RSL Sub BranchVeterans Health Day 202416/10/20249:30 AM0439378767subbranch [at] Shaftesbury RoadBurwood4/10/2024
Far North Coast Legacy ClubLismore Legacy Beneficiaries' Being Connected16/10/202410:00 AM0414 499 113admin.fncl [at] gmail.com202 Oliver StreetGoonellabah7/10/2024
Buddy Up Australia LimitedBuddy Up Connection Day Retreat16/10/20249:30 AM0414843155admin [at] buddyupaustralia.org102/4b Lake StreetForster1/10/2024
Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (VVAA) St Marys Outpost IncKeep Connected by socialising with friends and like minded people.16/10/20249:00 AM0418247325vietvet [at] Mamre RoadOrchard Hills NSW 274811/10/2024
Wagga Wagga RSL sub-BranchWagga Wagga RSL sub-Branch Ten Pin Bowling Tournament16/10/202411:00 AM0408 243 311admin [at] Trail StreetWAGGA WAGGA4/10/2024
Corowa RSL Sub-branchCorowa RSL Sub-Branch: Forging Connections 17/10/202410:00 AM0450301153secretarycwarslsub [at] gmail.com30 Betterment PdeCorowa11/10/2024
Tweed Heads & Coolangatta RSL Sub Branch Inc.Veterans Health Week Educational Session17/10/20249:00 AM0408017854admin [at] Wharf StTweed Heads10/10/2024
Totally Permanently Disabled Soldiers Association of AustraliaKeeping Connected with Veterans and Their Families 17/10/202411:00 AM0408434025tpiaust [at] Cowper StreetWALLSEND10/10/2024
Soldier On LimitedConnect, Learn & Engage for Defence & Veteran Partners- Newcastle-Hamilton 17/10/202410:00 AM02 6188 6116chloe.vanmulligan [at] Hunter StreetNewcastle West17/10/2024
Soldier On LimitedCooking Up Healthy Connections with Soldier On 
17/10/20246:00 PM02 61886178lisa.bakker [at]
8-9/200 Union Street
The Junction
Kyogle RSL sub-Branch"Lets Keep Connected"17/10/202411:00 AM0429 321 981KyogleSB [at] Larkin StreetKyogle 24744/10/2024
RSL LifecareCentral Coast Connection lunch for Veterans Health Week at the new Central Coast Veteran and Families Hub 17/10/202412:00 PM0458 397 063hello [at] Hely StreetWyong 14/10/2024
Howlong RSL sub branchKeep Connected through your mind and body17/10/202411:00 AM0414791118howlongrsl [at] gmail.com43 Hawkings St Howlong 26438/10/2024
Uralla Sub-branch RSL NSW Roll Up, Bowl Up, Win the Cup 17/10/20243:30 PM0411113590urallasb [at] Queen St Uralla10/10/2024
Randwick Family Centre IncorporatedMorning Tea Meet Up17/10/202410:30 AM0449163904randwickfamilycentre [at] outlook.com373A Avoca StRandwick10/10/2024
Albury RSLSocial Connectedness Through Two Fun Lawn Bowls Mornings 17/10/20249:00 AM0429655815grahamd [at] Club - AlburyAlbury10/10/2024
Legacy Club ServicesVeterans' Health Week Luncheon18/10/202412:00 PM0407351717armidale [at] Faulkner StreetArmidale9/10/2024
Saltwater Veterans LtdStaying Connected - On the Water - Sydney18/10/20249:00 AM0451574791sailingproject [at] saltwaterveterans.orgEast EsplanadeManly28/09/2024
Soldier On LimitedPages of Connection- The Soldier On Book Club Social Health event- Singleton 18/10/202410:00 AM02 6188 6158dean.mainey [at] Castlereagh StSingleton10/11/2024
Soldier On LimitedThe Soldier Heritage Gardens Healthy Hub18/10/202410:00 AM rose.savastaerba [at] Four Mile Creek Road
Kirribilli RSL Sub-BranchKeep Connected with Sailing18/10/20249:00 AM0400756214kirribillisb [at] East Esplanade Manly1/10/2024
Woronora River RSL Sub BranchConnecting Creativity and Community (3)18/10/20241:00 PM0403194383woronora-riversb [at] Prince Edward Park roadWoronora4/10/2024
Invictus AustraliaDefence Community Bowls 'Come & Try' at Worrigee Sports18/10/20244:00 PM0459444550ddimmock [at] invictusaustralia.org131 Greenwell Point RoadWorrigee17/10/2024
RSL LifeCare Veteran ServicesRiverina Veteran & Family Hub Veteran Cup!18/10/202410:00 AM0413723965stuart.voss [at] Narrung StreetWAGGA WAGGA30/09/2024
Keith Payne VC Veterans Benefit GroupSocial Connectedness Through Exercise and Diet - Men in Defence Forum18/10/202411:30 AM0428443361rick.meehan2 [at] gmail.com489A Albatross RoadNOWRA HILL11/10/2024
Wagga Wagga RSL ClubBowls & Bond at Wagga RSL18/10/20245:00 PM0400211932theclub [at] St Wagga Wagga10/10/2024
Cumberland RSL Sub-BranchPresident's Veterans' Health Week Lunch18/10/202412:30 PM0438007770President [at] Memorial DriveGranville4/10/2024
North Sydney Sub Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia NSW BranchNorth Sydney RSL Sub Branch Veterans Health Week Lawn Bowls19/10/202412:00 PM0405537384ChrisGreatrex [at] Ridge StreetNorth Sydney11/10/2024
Soldier On LimitedSoldier On Axe-Throwing and Veteran Connection19/10/20242:00 PM02 6188 6179james.milliss [at] Cooks RoadGlenworth Valley10/10/2024
Veterans InstameetVeterans Instameet 19/10/20244:00 PM0409241419veterans.instameet [at] gmail.com255 Springwood RoadYarramundi 15/10/2024
Holsworthy Community Group IncorporatedSound Healing & Education Workshop for Defence Members 19/10/202410:00 AM0497700155coordinator [at] 1/57 Cronulla StCronulla 10/10/2024
City of Wollongong RSL sub-Branch (RSL NSW)Stronger Together: A Veterans Wellness Day19/10/20249:00 AM0438451559WollongongSB [at] Princes HwyFairy Meadow14/10/2024
Invictus AustraliaInvcitus Australia Defence Community Sports Expo - NSW19/10/202410:30 AM0488 454 688jmartyn [at] invictusaustralia.org122 Mitchell Street, Stockton11/10/2024
Kissingpoint CottageSelf Care Mindful Movement Workshop19/10/20241:00 PM0433065126kissingpointcottage [at] gmail.com282 Kissingpoint RoadDundas12/10/2024
Tamworth RSL sub-BranchKeeping Connected with Trivia @ Diggers19/10/20241:30 PM0432457784trslsub [at] Diggers, Kable Avenue Tamworth15/10/2024
Tamworth RSL sub-BranchPilates Reformer Exercise @ 360 Fitness19/10/202410:00 AM0432457784trslsub [at] Fitness Club, Wirraway StreetWest Tamworth12/10/2024
Social FuturesEquine Connection Veterans Family Day19/10/202410:00 AM0459300731eleanor.newton [at] Hunts RoadKulnura10/10/2024
Disaster Relief AustraliaThe Military Veteran and DRA - How our journey's collide19/10/202410:00 AM0438688005karina.striegher [at] disasterreliefaus.org1 Grant StreetBallina13/10/2024
Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (VVAA) St Marys Outpost IncKeep Connected by being creative.19/10/20249:30 AM0418247325vietvet [at] Mamre RoadOrchard Hills NSW 274815/10/2024
Coogee Randwick Clovelly RSL Sub-BranchVeteran's Challenge & Connect19/10/20249:00 AM0449 163 904contact [at] coogeerslsubbranch.com2 Byron StreetCoogee11/10/2024
Woonona Bulli Sub Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia New South Wales BranchKeep Connected20/10/20249:00 AM0411673379Woonona-BulliSB [at] PRINCES HWY, WOONONA NSW 2517WOONONA18/10/2024
Women Veterans Network Australia - WVAN Incorporated WVNA - Western Sydney (Getting to Know You and Healthy Lunch)20/10/202412:30 PM0447995487sydney [at] Tindle StPenrith13/10/2024
Terrigal Wamberal RSL Sub-BranchVeterans Health Week Bike Ride and Walk20/10/20249:30 AM0417384524Terrigal-WamberalSB [at] EntranceLong Jetty30/09/2024
Molong RSL Sub-Branch NSWStop being DISCconnected20/10/202410:00 AM0403133506marc.mathews [at] outlook.com87 Lake Canobolas RoadNashdale 28001/10/2024
Military Brotherhood MMC Illawarra Sub Branch IncorporatedQi Connection21/10/20246:00 PM0412404630clarrymbmmc [at] gmail.com12 Adam Murray WayFlinders19/10/2024
Woronora River RSL Sub BranchConnecting Creativity and Community (4)21/10/202411:00 AM0403194383woronora-riversb [at] Prince Edward Park roadWoronora7/10/2024
Legacy Club Services - Bathurst DivisionBathurst Legacy lunch - Keeping Connected21/10/202412:00 PM0436 606 520tlewis [at] Rankin StreetBathurst14/10/2024
Maroubra RSL sub-Branch (RSL NSW)MRSL Golf Day 21/10/20249:30 AM0411704454maroubrasb [at] Howe StMalabar7/10/2024
Albion Park RSL Sub BranchShanx Mimi Golf at the Links Shell Cove21/10/202410:00 AM0403611189favouritecolourred [at] gmail.comGolf DriveSHELL COVE17/10/2024
Moama RSL sub-BranchMoama RSL sub-Branch Veterans Health Week "Keeping Connected"22/10/202410:30 AM(03) 5482 6677paula [at] Merool RoadMoama18/10/2024
Echuca District Sub-Branch VVAA Vic Branch IncMoama RSL/Echuca District VVAA sub-branch VHW "Keeping Connected".22/10/202410:30 AM0409971726rsjohnson3564 [at] hotmail.com56 Merool RoadMoama18/10/2024
Military Brotherhood MMC Illawarra Sub Branch IncorporatedHealing at the speed of sound23/10/20246:00 PM0412 404 630clarrymbmmc [at] gmail.com1 Allowrie StJamberoo21/10/2024
Veteran Surf Project LimitedSurf, Sand, Sun & Social - High Impact!23/10/20248:00 AM0414 245 216rusty [at] veteransurfproject.org220 Crooked River RoadGerroa16/10/2024
Merewether Heights Public School P&C AssociationTechConnect: Bridging Generations Through Digital Connection for Veteran and Defence Families and children23/10/20248:30 AM0407716388admin [at] mhpspandc.org156 Scenic DriveMerewether Heights16/10/2024
Saltwater Veterans LtdStaying Connected - On the Water - Newcastle24/10/20249:00 AM0451574791sailingproject [at] saltwaterveterans.org95 Hannell StWickham28/09/2024
Beenleigh RSL Sub-branchMemorial Service24/10/20248:00 AM0401572510DiggersRetreat1 [at] outlook.com38-40 First AvenueSawtell18/10/2024
Soldier On LimitedSoldier On Coffee and Social Connection: A Social Health Event in Newcastle 24/10/202410:00 AM02 6188 6187rose.savastaerba [at] Hunter StreetNewcastle West17/10/2024
Soldier On LimitedLunch, Learn, and Connect with Soldier On. 
24/10/202412:00 PM02 61886116
chloe.vanmulligan [at]
727 Hunter StreetNewcastle West17/10/2024
Invictus AustraliaCome and Play Pickleball 24/10/202410:00 AM0488 454 688jmartyn [at] invictusaustralia.org10/13 Racecourse RoadGosford23/10/2024
Beenleigh RSL Sub-branchBowling Competition25/10/202411:00 AM0401572510DiggersRetreat1 [at] outlook.com1 Lyons StreetSawtell18/10/2024
Bundeena RSL sub-BranchFamily Movie Night 25/10/20246:00 [at] gmail.com69-71 Loftus Street Bundeena11/10/2024
Keith Payne VC Veterans Benefit GroupSocial Connectedness Through Exercise and Diet - Combined Men and Women in Defence Forum25/10/202411:30 AM0428443361rick.meehan2 [at] gmail.com489A Albatross RoadNOWRA HILL18/10/2024
Military Brotherhood MMC Illawarra Sub Branch IncorporatedWhen Words Fail Music Speaks26/10/20248:30 AM0412404630clarrymbmmc [at] 1 Allowrie StJamberoo25/10/2024
Forster Tuncurry RSL Sub-BranchSocial inclusion 26/10/202410:00 AM0490 542 745Forster-TuncurrySB [at] Head St, Forster NSW 2428Forster21/10/2024
Nabiac RSL SubBranchVeterans Orienteering26/10/20248:30 AM0419615497arthur.chapman [at] Pacific HwyCoolongalook21/10/2024
Coffs Harbour Legacy Welfare FundConnecting through creativity: Chocolate Bouquet Workshop 26/10/202410:00 AM0423830079wellbeing [at] Lindsays RoadBoambee15/10/2024
Coffs Harbour Legacy Welfare FundBounce and Bond 26/10/202410:00 AM0423830079wellbeing [at] DriveToormina10/10/2024
Spartans Military and Frontline Workers Motorcycle ClubRide for Veterans and the Community to stay Connected26/10/202410:00 AM0409 789 930damiandunne75 [at] gmail.com212/222 Princess Highway  Ulladulla1/10/2024
Randwick Family Centre IncorporatedRFC Amazing Race26/10/202410:30 AM0449163904randwickfamilycentre [at] outlook.comCorner Dooligah Ave and Burragulung StRandwick18/10/2024
Military Brotherhood MMC Illawarra Sub Branch IncorporatedMovement, Motion, Connection27/10/20248:00 AM0412404630cclaridge70 [at] 1 Allowrie StJamberoo25/10/2024
Legacy Club ServicesMeet on The Green27/10/202410:00 AM0412 436 255dbilbao [at] Kenibea AvenueKahibah12/10/2024
Spartans Military and Frontline Workers Motorcycle ClubRide for Female Veterans and the Community to stay Connected27/10/202410:00 AM0409 789 930damiandunne75 [at] gmail.com212/222 Princess Highway  Ulladulla1/10/2024
Yass sub-Branch the Returned and Services League of AustraliaVeterans Keeping Connected Through Health and Wellbeing27/10/20242:00 PM0413337749yasssb [at] Meehan StreetYass23/10/2024
Albion Park RSL Sub BranchDinner, Ten Pin Bowling & Laser Tag28/10/20246:00 PM0403611189favouritecolourred [at] gmail.com47 Princes HighwayALBION PARK RAIL24/10/2024
Veteran Surf Project LimitedSurf, Sand, Sun & Social - Supporting other veterans30/10/20248:00 AM0414 245 216rusty [at] veteransurfproject.org220 Crooked River Road Gerroa23/10/2024
Merewether Heights Public School P&C AssociationCooking Together: Nourishing Connections with Healthy Meals with Defence and Veteran Families30/10/20248:30 AM0407716388admin [at] mhpspandc.org156 Scenic DriveMerewether Heights23/10/2024
Saltwater Veterans LtdStaying Connected - On the Water - Gosford31/10/20249:00 AM0451574791sailingproject [at] saltwaterveterans.org28 Parsons ParadeGosford28/09/2024
Gosford RSL Sub BranchLet's Connect - Gosford Waterfront Social gathering and BBQ for Veterans, ADF & Families31/10/20241:00 PM0419229626gsbranch22 [at] gmail.com28 Masons ParadePoint Frederick29/10/2024
Soldier On LimitedSoldier On Coffee and Social Connection: A Social Health Event in Singleton 
31/10/202410:00 AM02 6188 6158
dean.mainey [at]
49 Castlereagh St
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