Aged care support and services

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Find out about the different aged care options and getting advice about aged care services.

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How to get aged care services

Both DVA and the Department of Health offer aged care services to older Australians.

Our aged care services

These are entry-level services for lower care needs. They are not designed for more complex care needs.

They are only available to eligible veterans and war widowed partners.

You can receive services through us and the Department of Health at the same time. But each service can only be provided by one department.

Find out more about our aged care services.

Department of Health’s aged care services

These services are available to all Australians, including veterans and war widowed partners.

My Aged Care is the Commonwealth Government's main entry point to aged care for all Australians.

You can contact My Aged Care if you:

  • need aged care information
  • are thinking about entering residential aged care need services, such as a Home Care Package.

To get information about aged care services, you can:

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Our aged care services

We can provide aged care services for eligible veterans and their families. You can also get aged care services through the Department of Health. Please check the Department of Health’s aged care services for full details.

Help so you can stay in your home

Our Summary of home services can help you find services available when you live in your own home. These include:

  • help around the house including cleaning, personal care and safety-related maintenance
  • home nursing visits
  • aids and equipment
  • help to manage a chronic health condition
  • back-up care if you or your carer need a break, including emergency respite care
  • care outside of the home while you recover from an illness or injury
  • aged care resources, including books and webinars.

Residential aged care

In our Summary of aged care services, you can find information about:

  • moving into aged care
  • aged care costs
  • services available
  • aged care resources.
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Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling

Moving into aged care can be a big change for your and your family.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, we encourage you to reach out for support.

Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling provides free and confidential counselling to anyone who has served at least one day in the ADF.

Partners and family members of those who served can also access counselling.

You can get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

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Legal Aid provides free legal services. These include:

  • legal information
  • referral services
  • advice over the phone.

If you need legal advice from an Australian lawyer in your state or territory, these links may be helpful:

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Financial advice

Services Australia offers financial support payments if you are eligible. The Financial Information Service (FIS) can help you make informed decisions about your finances. You can:

My Aged Care has information if you need help with aged care costs. You can:

RSL Defence Care may be able to help you with short-term payments to help with bills. You can:

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Aged care advocates

Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)

OPAN offers free, independent and confidential advice to:

  • older people
  • their families
  • their representatives.

You can:

General advocates

Advocates are people who are trained to help you access services and payments.

You can use the Accredited Advocate Register to:

  • search for an ESO
  • find an advocate in your area.

Ex-service organisations (ESOs)

ESOs support veterans and their families and commemorate those who served and are serving.

We can help you find an ex-service organisation.

Council on the Ageing (COTA)

COTA is an advocacy and representation organisation for older Australians.

Contact your state or territory office for more information:

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Accreditation standards

Commonwealth funded residential aged care facilities must follow Residential Aged Care Accreditation Standards.

The standards cover areas such as:

  • management
  • staffing
  • health and personal care
  • lifestyle
  • safety
  • security.

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission monitors providers and gives accreditation to those who follow the standards.

Find out more about accreditation.

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Complaints about aged care

You should raise any issues with your service provider first if you feel comfortable to do so.

If you are unable to resolve the issue with them, you can contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

If you want to make a complaint or give feedback to the Commission:

The Commission is only able to investigate issues with government-funded services.

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Elder abuse

The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) has information about elder abuse prevention.

You can call the National Elder Abuse Line on 1800 ELDERH(elp) (1800 353 374) to:

  • get help
  • report elder abuse.

The phone number will direct you to the appropriate authority in your state or territory.


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