Commonwealth and other allied veterans

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Commonwealth and other Allied Veterans living in Australia may be able to access DVA health services. This webpage provides an overview on how to apply for a Veteran White Card, what treatment services are available, and DVA’s role in providing these services to you.

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DVA’s Role

The Australian Government has agreements with several countries that allow DVA to provide treatment to ex-service personnel who have disabilities that have been accepted as war-caused by the country they enlisted with.

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Will I receive a DVA Health Card/Veteran Card?

If you served with:

You may be eligible to receive a White Card for a disability that has been accepted as war caused by the country you enlisted with.

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What treatment can I get?

If you are eligible for a White Card, you are able to receive the full range of treatment services that are available to Australian veterans for the disabilities your country of enlistment has advised you are covered for.

For more information please refer to our information about cards.

*Note: - You are not entitled to Non-liability Health Care (for Mental Health or Cancer and Pulmonary Tuberculosis) which only covers veterans of Australian forces.

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How do I apply for a Veteran White Card?

If you believe that you have a disability which results from your war service, contact the government of the country you served with.

If you have already been notified by the overseas government that a disability has been accepted as war-caused, please contact us.

If we confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria set out by your country of enlistment we will issue you with a White Card and/or update your existing White Card to include your accepted condition. 

Your eligibility for treatment may be impacted by your degree of impairment as determined by the country you served with. 

This may require us to reach out to your country of enlistment for confirmation of your eligibility. 

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Do I need to tell my doctor that I am a Commonwealth or Other Allied Veteran?

Yes, you should tell your doctor that you are a Veteran White Card holder as a Commonwealth or Other Allied Veteran so he or she can confirm your treatment eligibility before referring you to another health provider.

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