Convalescent care
Here you can find out how to get convalescent care. If you are a provider you can visit our convalescent care for providers page.
On this page
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What is convalescent care
Short-term care which is medically necessary for recovery following a stay in hospital.
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We will cover the cost of convalescent care for any condition if you have a Veteran Gold Card.
If you have a Veteran White Card, we will cover the cost of convalescent care if we paid for the original hospital admission.
Back to topWhere you can receive care
Care is available in a range of settings such as:
- Public or private hospitals
- Multi-purpose services
- Australian Government-funded aged care facilities
- Supported residential services in Victoria
- Other suitable institutions
Convalescent care cannot be provided in your home.
Convalescent care should generally be provided in an approved residential care facility and should only be provided in hospital when a suitable residential care facility is not available.
You do not need prior approval for care in a public or contracted private hospital.
Non-hospital institutions
You need prior approval from us for care in:
- an Australian Government funded aged care facility
- a supported residential service
- other institutions
We will pay for up to 21 nights of care in a financial year in a non-hospital institution.
Multi-purpose services
Convalescent care is also available in multi-purpose services (MPSs). MPSs provide integrated health and aged care services in small communities in regional and remote areas.
Arrangements for care provided in an aged care bed in a MPS are the same as for other non-hospital institutions.
Arrangements for care in a hospital bed in a MPS are the same as for care in other hospitals.
Back to topHow you access
To access convalescent care, talk to:
- a hospital discharge planner
- your treating doctor
- a social worker; or
- a nurse
They will contact us if prior approval for the cost of care is required.
Back to topThings you should know
- Residential respite care is a different service to convalescent care.
- Commonwealth funding for residential respite care cannot be used to pay for convalescent care services.
- DVA will not approve your convalescent care in a residential aged care facility where long-term, serious non-compliance is present, or where serious risk to your health, safety and well-being has been identified. In this situation, Sanctions and/or a Notice to Agree are issued to the residential aged care facility. There are a number of restrictions that can be put in place under a Sanction and/or Notices to Agree, all of which are legislated in the Aged Care Quality and Safety Act 2018. Please refer to the Department of Health website for further information.
What to tell us
You should tell us if you:
- receive a bill for convalescent care; or
- take up more permanent care arrangements, such as residential aged care or palliative care