Community Nursing

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What is Community Nursing

The Community Nursing (CN) Program funds clinically required nursing and personal care services provided in your home by qualified nurses and support staff. Services can include help with medication, wound care, hygiene/ showering, dressing and palliative care.

The following booklet for veterans, family members and carers contains information about DVA community nursing services. 

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Who can receive it

You may be able to receive Community Nursing services if you have an assessed clinical need for nursing and/or personal care at home and are a:

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What you can receive

Help with things like medication, wound care, hygiene, showering and dressing. Palliative care services are available if required. If you are eligible, there is no cost to you, as DVA will fund services delivered by a DVA approved CN provider. 

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How you access Community Nursing services

You will need to get a written referral for Community Nursing services from your:

  • general practitioner (GP)
  • treating medical practitioner in a hospital
  • hospital discharge planner, or
  • nurse practitioner specialising in a community nursing field.

Referrals need to outline the necessary services that you require to meet your assessed nursing needs for relevant medical conditions.

Referrals from your GP or a nurse practitioner are valid for 12 months, at which time a new referral is required. Referrals from hospitals are only valid for 6 weeks, at which time a new referral from your GP is required.

You will also require a new referral if you have been out of care from your Community Nursing provider for over 28 days or wish to change providers. 

The referrer should send the referral directly to a DVA approved Community Nursing provider. 

You can find the list of Community Nursing providers in your area here: Panel of Community Nursing providers.

Once the Community Nursing provider receives your referral, a registered nurse will assess your clinical needs.

The nurse will:

  • contact DVA to confirm that you are eligible for services if you hold a Veteran White Card
  • assess your need for clinical nursing and personal care services, and
  • prepare and provide you with a copy of a written nursing care plan, which is tailored to your needs.
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What to tell DVA

If anything changes that could affect your entitlements, you need to let DVA know within 14 days (or 28 days if you receive the Remote Area Allowance or live overseas).

You should tell DVA if you:

  • get a bill for community nursing services - do not pay the account, contact us instead
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What to tell your Community Nursing provider

You should tell your Community Nursing provider if:

  • you have been hospitalised
  • you plan to go on holiday
  • you plan to move to another location 
  • the level of help you require changes
  • you take up more permanent care arrangements (for example in a residential aged care facility)
  • you plan to move overseas
  • you are unhappy with the service or you have any comments or concerns about the provider or their staff. 

You can call DVA on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) if your service provider has not addressed your concerns.

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Things you should know

The amount and type of care you get will be reviewed regularly by a registered nurse, in consultation with you, to make sure you are getting the right care.

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Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004

Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988

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Additional information

Planning Ahead is a publication designed to help veterans and their families prepare for bereavements.


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