2021 Census Surveying Service

The 2021 Census is just around the corner, and for the first time the Australian Bureau of Statistics will include a question asking if you have served in the Australian Defence Force.

This will mean the ABS can clearly map where our veterans live and just how many there are in the community.

While DVA supports around 225,000 veterans and 100,000 dependants, it’s estimated there are almost 630,000 veterans living in Australia today.

With more accurate data we can better target our services and support for veterans and their families.

Better understanding where our veteran population will allow DVA and ex-service organisations to ensure critical veteran-specific support services are provided in the areas where they are needed most.

It will also help DVA support health care professionals in areas where veterans and their families live, with training and information about specific issues such as military trauma.

To understand this new question and how the data it produces may be used to support veterans, ADF personnel and their families, this video has been developed https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=184219970287406.

It will be part of a 30-minute Census special airing on ABC TV on 8 August.

By taking part in the 2021 Census you can help improve service delivery and ensure veterans and their families receive the best support possible.

For more information visit: https://www.census.abs.gov.au/