Further Economic Support Payments

As part of the 2020–21 Budget, the Australian Government is providing two additional Economic Support Payments to continue its support of the Australian community through the coronavirus pandemic.

Pending the passage of legislation, the one-off payments of $250 each will be automatically paid to around 5 million eligible Australians from 30 November 2020 (with a test date of 27 November 2020) and 1 March 2021 (with a test date of 26 February 2021). There is no need to lodge a claim.

Eligible veterans and family members who reside in Australia and receive certain DVA benefits on the test dates will receive the payments to assist with essential living expenses and help them through this uncertain time, particularly in the lead up to the festive season. The eligible DVA benefits are:

  • Service Pension, Partner Service Pension, Income Support Supplement or Veteran Payment
  • Disability Pension (separate to the $6.20 fortnightly payment)
  • Special Rate Disability Pension
  • Permanent Impairment compensation (including lump sum payments taken in the past)
  • War Widow(er)’s Pension or Wholly Dependent Partner payment
  • Gold Cards, Commonwealth Seniors Health Cards and Pensioner Concession Cards
  • Age Pension paid by DVA

The additional payments build on support the Australian Government has provided to the veteran community, which so far includes one-off payments of $750 in March and July 2020, reduced deeming rates for income support payments, the Coronavirus Supplement paid to financially support eligible children of veterans through their studies, and support through the JobKeeper payment helping to keep veterans and their families in paid employment.

For more information, visit the Department of Social Services website.


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