Remembrance Day Kitbag
Following on from the demand for DVA’s Anzac Day Kitbag, DVA has developed a new range of resources for this year’s Remembrance Day commemorations.
The Remembrance Day Kitbag contains information on how to hold a commemorative service, including appropriate music, a speech for use at a service, a short history of Remembrance Day, and a suggested order of service for private/small groups. There are also ideas about how to commemorate when we can’t go to a public event.
The Kitbag is available for download on DVA’s Anzac Portal.
In addition to the kit bag, the department will send Remembrance Day resources to ex-service organisations, community groups, aged care facilities, local councils, libraries and schools around Australia. These will be helpful in planning commemorative services, and sharing the experiences of service with the Australian community.
While we encourage commemoration on this significant date, please ensure all services are planned and carried out in adherence with your state or territory’s COVID-19 safety requirements.