Residential aged care
As many DVA clients currently reside in aged care, some veterans may be affected by pandemic restrictions or lockdowns at their aged-care residence over the coming months.
The Minister for Health has said that protecting vulnerable people in residential aged care is a top priority and has announced additional measures to make sure people living in aged care, and the health workers who support them, receive what they need to be safe. This includes:
- increased telehealth arrangements to people living in aged care, so they can access health services
- transferring aged-care residents from residential aged-care facilities to hospitals, when appropriate to do so
- emergency surge workforce at any COVID-19 aged-care sites, including a clinical first responder, registered and enrolled nurses, personal care workers and general practitioners, where needed
- additional protective equipment and a range of additional supports for residential aged-care health workers.
DVA is monitoring the situation and liaising closely with the Department of Health to monitor the impacts on veterans in residential aged care.
If you are concerned and need more information on COVID-19 and aged care, you can visit the Australian Government Department of Health’s website.
You can also call the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.