Thank you, from Australia’s Lions Clubs
The Lions Clubs of Australia wish to acknowledge and thank our country’s Defence Force for their service to us all over many years.
by David Triffett – Lions Australia National Chairperson
We admire and respect those who have served and we remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to allow us to live in this country we love.
The Lions Clubs of Australia extend a hand of friendship and support to all our service men and women, both serving and ex-serving. We welcome you to join us, share our passion for service to our community and build our communities.
Come and join in for a gathering of club members, a working bee or a social activity. You will be most welcome. Share your stories and experiences with our members.
If you would like to catch up with a Lions Club near you, contact our National Office on either 02 4940 8033 or email LionsOpenArms [at] We will find a Lions Club near you and make an introduction to meet our Club members. You can also visit our website.
Thank you for your service. We too are proud Australians … let’s work together.