DVA program gives extra support for those with complex needs

Coordinated Client Support (CCS) Case Managers help veterans with complex and multiple needs and their family members understand their DVA entitlements and access external support services, while supporting them to manage their business with DVA independently.

Veterans or family members referred to CCS are assigned a Case Manager who acts as the primary point of contact within DVA.

How do clients access CCS?

Veterans are referred to CCS via Triage and Connect from DVA support staff, Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling and the Australian Defence Force. CCS will then contact the individual to discuss their circumstances and needs.

Referrals to CCS are also sometimes made on behalf of veterans and families by external parties such as representatives of ex-service organisations, doctors and other government agencies. This is usually done by the external party calling DVA on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).

If the client’s situation is appropriate for CCS, a referral will be submitted for the CCS team’s consideration. It is important that the client’s consent has been obtained prior to requesting the referral.

What is excluded?

While CCS provides a range of important support for veterans and family members with complex and multiple needs, it is important to note that CCS does not:

• provide a crisis management service • provide clinical case management services or counselling • undertake any processing role or investigate or determine a client’s entitlements/claims, nor does participation provide prioritisation of claims • provide claims advocacy.

For more information, visit the CCS page of the DVA website.

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