The importance of understanding the medicines you take

Do you take a number of medicines for different conditions? Do you know what each of the medicines you take are for and any side effects they may have?

The latest Veterans’ Medicines Advice and Therapeutics Education Services (Veterans’ MATES) topic – Complex Medicines, is a reminder to veterans of the importance of understanding the medications you take for your condition/s. Next time you see your GP or refill your prescription at the pharmacy, why don’t you ask them about the medication you are prescribed to refresh your understanding on why you are taking them and any potential side effects or interactions.

Another way you can ensure you fully understand the medications you are taking is to have a Medicines Review. You can discuss this with your GP, who will write a referral to a specifically trained pharmacist. The pharmacist will then contact you to make an appointment. They come to you, usually at your home, and will review all the medications you are taking. There is no cost for this service. Your GP is then provided with a report and can discuss with you any changes that may be required so you receive the most benefit.  

Unsure about having a Medicines Review? You can visit the Veterans’ MATES website and download a veteran brochure which has a handy list of questions for you to consider about the medicines you are taking. Reviewing this list of questions may help you be better prepared to ask your GP or pharmacist about your medicine. You can also read more about a Medicines Review in the brochure here.

On the Veterans’ MATES website you will find a range of topics that relate to the health needs of veterans. Established in 2004, Veterans’ MATES has supported the veteran community to improve their wellbeing through better use of medicines and related health services, and encouraging them to take an active role in better managing their health. If you would like to know more, head over to the Veterans’ MATES website.