The Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs network expands across the nation

Minister Matt Keogh opens the Burnie Hub with North West Tasmanian Veteran Welfare Board Chairman Dr Andrew Clarke.

It’s been a big year for the Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs Program. The recent opening of the Burnie Hub in Tasmania means there are now 8 Hubs operating across the country. 

Five years in the making 

The Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs Program aims to provide improved access to a range of services and supports tailored to local needs, including some outreach services to the broader community. Hubs facilitate access to services that aim to improve health, wellbeing, social, housing, employment and economic outcomes. 

In 2019, $30 million was committed to develop a network of 6 Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs in Perth, Townsville, Adelaide, Wodonga, Nowra and Darwin. In 2021, $10 million was announced to expand the Hubs network into Southeast Queensland and Tasmania. A further $2.5 million was provided in late 2021 to expand the Hubs in Tasmania, including $2.2 million for a Hub in Burnie and $250,000 to enhance the Launceston Hub. 

As part of the October 2022–23 Budget, the Government announced a further $46.7 million to develop 8 new Hubs, which are now being progressed. 

National network established 

The Burnie Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Tasmania was the latest Hub to officially open its doors in June 2024. The Hub offers a range of services with a focus on health and wellness support provided by an onsite General Practitioner. 

In southeast Queensland, Lives Lived Well has partnered with ex-service organisations to provide wrap-around support for veterans and families from the Caboolture Hub. Further north, Australia’s largest veteran community has access to government and community services through The Oasis Townsville Veteran Wellbeing Centre. 

The Stuart Park Hub in Darwin, Northern Territory, run by Mates4Mates, marked its first anniversary of operating at that site in May 2024. Mates4Mates has been working closely with various organisations to provide services to Darwin’s large Defence and veteran community. 

In Western Australia, the Hub at ANZAC House Veteran Central in Perth has been providing services since November 2020. The Hub offers healthcare, financial, legal, employment support, home care and aged care services. 

In Adelaide, South Australia, the Hub within the Daw Park Repatriation Health Precinct has brought community services and government supports for veteran health and wellbeing together in one location. 

In Victoria, the Veterans’ and Families’ Hub Wodonga in Honour of Tim Fischer AC officially opened in December 2022. With its close proximity to Gaza Ridge Barracks, Bandiana, the Hub provides services and supports to current and former serving ADF members and their families. 

In New South Wales, RSL LifeCare officially opened its purpose-built facility in Nowra in December 2022. The facility includes meeting rooms, consultation rooms, an activity hall and an outdoor area, enabling a broad range of wraparound services to be provided from one location.

Announcement of the grant for the Tweed/North Coast Hub in NSW

Hub funding announcements 

The establishment of all of the additional Hubs is now well underway. 

RSL Victoria, with its proven track record of providing localised support for current and former ADF personnel, was awarded a grant to establish a new Hub in Victoria’s Surf Coast/ Geelong region. RSL LifeCare was awarded grants to establish four Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs across New South Wales in Queanbeyan, the Tweed/North Coast, the Hunter and the Hawkesbury regions. 

RSL Queensland will collaborate with Mates- 4Mates to support veterans and families living in Ipswich, which has a significant population of current and former ADF members. 

RSL WA will lead the development of a Southwest Perth Hub, centered in Rockingham. This Hub will use a number of spoke locations to provide services to veterans and families across the region, including ADF personnel at the HMAS Stirling Royal Australian Navy base. 

RSL Tasmania was awarded a grant to develop a ‘hub and spoke’ model across Tasmania, including a Hub in Hobart and further development of the Launceston Hub, with spokes to be developed at a number of sub-branches that will feed into a state-wide support network. 

Lives Lived Well, already operating the Caboolture Hub, has been awarded the grant to establish a second Hub in Northern Adelaide. Located close to RAAF Base Edinburgh, it will expand the Hub network into the city’s northern suburbs, giving veterans and families access to improved services closer to home. 

The network of new Hubs is expected to be fully established by mid-2026, with services likely be offered before this time. Visit the Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs web page to learn more:

Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs now operating: 

  • Adelaide (SA): SA Government  
  • Burnie (TAS): North West Tasmanian Veteran Welfare Board
  • Caboolture (QLD): Lives Lived Well
  • Darwin (NT): Mates4Mates • Nowra (NSW): RSL LifeCare
  • Perth (WA): RSL WA
  • Townsville (QLD): The Oasis Townsville
  • Wodonga (VIC): RSL Victoria 

New Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs being established: 

  • Hawkesbury region (NSW): RSL LifeCare
  • Hunter region (NSW): RSL LifeCare
  • Queanbeyan (NSW): RSL LifeCare
  • Tweed/North Coast region (NSW): RSL LifeCare
  • Surf Coast/Geelong (VIC): RSL Victoria
  • Tasmania (hub and spoke network): RSL Tasmania
  • Ipswich (QLD): RSL Queensland
  • Northern Adelaide (SA): Lives Lived Well
  • Southwest Perth (WA): RSL WA 



Minister Matt Keogh opens the Burnie Hub with North West Tasmanian Veteran Welfare Board Chairman Dr Andrew Clarke.

Announcement of the grant for the Tweed/North Coast Hub in NSW

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