Medical care while overseas
You may be able to claim expenses if you need medical care overseas.
On this page
Overseas medical expenses
While you cannot use your DVA Veteran Card outside of Australia, you may be able to seek reimbursement for out of pocket medical expenses if:
- you have an accepted service-related condition (contact us if you don't know what this is); and
- the treatment being requested is for the treatment of your accepted service-related condition; and
- a medical professional has assessed that you have a clinical need for treatment; and
- The care and costs are similar to, or the same as in Australia.
You should do the following before you go:
- Notify us and get information.
- Tell your medical provider about your plans.
- Organise travel insurance.
Sometimes things go wrong when you are overseas. You should know what to do if you can't pay for treatment.
What we can't fund:
- treatment of a condition that DVA has not accepted liability for;
- medical evacuation;
- overseas travel expenses e.g. transport between appointments; and
- treatment overseas when your reason for travel was to receive the treatment.
We can't pay for your treatment overseas if we cover you for care in Australia under our:
- Non-Liability Heath Care; and/or
- Provisional Access to Medical Treatment (PAMT).
What to do before you go
Notify us and get information
Before you travel, tell us your plans so we can let you know if we will cover you. To do this, you can:
- complete and return the notification form
- call us on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)
We will then give you information about:
- what medical care you are entitled to receive overseas
- how to ask us to pre-approve non-urgent care
- which countries may agree to treat you
- limits that apply to some services
- contact details for DVA officers who can help when you are away
- how to claim for expenses
You should know that being overseas can affect your income support pension and supplements.
Tell your medical provider about your plans
Before you travel, you should see your medical provider about your health and go prepared. This includes getting any vaccinations you need.
If you have a Veteran Gold Card, you can claim the cost of travel vaccinations if you received them in Australia.
Organise travel insurance
We encourage you to organise travel insurance that covers treatment for all general health conditions.
This is because when you are overseas, we will only cover you for your accepted condition or injury.
Back to topWhat to do if you can't pay
If you can't pay for medical expenses required to treat your accepted service-related condition while you are overseas, you should get in touch with:
- the DVA officers we gave you contact details for (after you notified us about your travel plans)
- email us at
- your nearest Australian high commission, embassy or consulate
In an emergency, Australian officials can contact us to arrange payment. This payment can only be for your accepted condition or injury.
Back to topHow to apply for reimbursement
To seek reimbursement for out of pocket expenses you have incurred for medical treatment relating to your accepted service-related conditions you must:
- Complete and sign the D1181 Application for Reimbursement of Medical Expenses Privately Incurred form
- Submit this form to DVA along with:
- Itemised invoices / receipts for the treatment received
- Clinical information from your treating health provider outlining the condition being treated
*All documentation supplied must be in English*
Back to topContact us
Phone: 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)
Outside Australia phone +61 2 6289 1133
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