MRCA and DRCA supplements

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This page explains when the MRCA and DRCA supplements may be payable.

This information is current from 20 March 2025 to 30 June 2025.

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What are the MRCA and DRCA supplements?

The MRCA supplement is a fortnightly payment that may be payable under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) and replaces telephone (and internet) allowance and pharmaceutical allowance to eligible MRCA claimants.

The DRCA supplement is a fortnightly payment designed to compensate those Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA) clients who are required to make a co-contribution to the cost of the pharmaceuticals needed for conditions that have been accepted under the DRCA.

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Payability of the MRCA supplement

The MRCA supplement may be payable to a person who is:

  • the holder of a DVA Health Card (Veteran White Card or Veteran Gold Card) under the MRCA;
  • eligible for the Special Rate Disability Pension (SRDP);
  • assessed as having a permanent impairment at or above 80 points; or
  • a wholly dependent partner of a deceased Australian Defence Force (ADF) member or former member who is eligible for compensation in respect of the member’s death.

The MRCA supplement is not payable to a person who is already receiving an equivalent allowance under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA) or the Social Security Act 1991 (SSA).

For information on who is covered under the MRCA, see Overview of the MRCA

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What is the rate of the MRCA supplement?

The MRCA supplement is payable at a rate of either $7.00 (low rate) per fortnight or $14.00 (high rate) per fortnight, depending on your eligibility.

The high rate of MRCA supplement is payable to:

  • members/former members who have a DVA Health Card and are:
    • eligible for the SRDP; or
    • assessed as having a permanent impairment at or above 80 points; and
  • wholly dependent partners whose partner died before 20 September 2009 and who elect, at any time, to receive a lump sum payment.

The low rate of MRCA supplement is payable to:

  • other members and former members who have a DVA Health Card; and
  • other wholly dependent partners.
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Payability of the DRCA supplement

The DRCA supplement may be payable to a person who has been issued with a White card for treatment of DRCA condition/s.

It is not payable to a person who is already receiving an equivalent allowance under the VEA, MRCA or the SSA.

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What is the rate of the DRCA supplement?

The DRCA supplement is payable at a rate of $7.00 per fortnight.

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Can the MRCA and DRCA supplements be paid while I am overseas?

The MRCA and DRCA supplements are not payable if you live overseas permanently. If you are overseas temporarily, eligibility for the supplement may continue for 26 weeks after departure from Australia and be restored either upon your return to Australia, or from when you tell DVA of your return to Australia.

You need to tell us within 14 days of your departure if you intend to travel or live overseas for more than 26 weeks. There may be penalties applied for failure to fulfil obligations.

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