Veterans supplement

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What is the Veterans Supplement

The Veterans Supplement is a regular payment to help with the cost of medicines.

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Who can receive it

You can receive the Veterans Supplement if you do not get an income support payment. Income support payments paid by DVA include:

  • Service Pension
  • Age Pension
  • Income Support Supplement; and 
  • Veteran Payment

You will also need to be the holder of one of the following:

You can also get it if we pay you:

Veterans Supplement is paid instead of the Pension Supplement, the MRCA Supplement or the DRCA Supplement.

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How much you can receive

You will get $14.00 each fortnight if you are under 60 and get a Disability Compensation Payment at the:

  • special rate (TPI Totally and Permanently Incapacitated)

  • Extreme Disablement Adjustment rate (EDA); or

  • increased rate for specific disabilities. Disability Compensation Payment can be paid at an increased rate to veterans with specific disabilities. This includes veterans who have had two limbs amputated and may also be blind in one eye.

In all other cases, you will get $7.00 each fortnight.

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How you claim

You do not need to submit a claim for the Veterans Supplement. We will pay it automatically if you are eligible.

If you think you are eligible, contact us.

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What to tell us

If anything changes that could affect your entitlements, you need to let us know within 14 days (or 28 days if you receive the Remote Area Allowance or live overseas).

You need to tell us if you or your partner:

  • leave Australia or travel overseas; or

  • have something else change that could affect your entitlements

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Important information

  • If you leave Australia permanently, your Veterans Supplement will stop straight away.

  • If you travel overseas temporarily, your Veterans Supplement will stop once you have been outside Australia for 26 weeks.

  • If we automatically send you a Veteran White Card for mental health treatment when you leave the Australian Defence Force (ADF), you will only become eligible for the Veterans Supplement once you start using the Veteran White Card for treatment.

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What other help is available


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