Recreation Transport Allowance
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What is Recreation Transport Allowance
The allowance helps veterans with service-related injury or conditions that affects mobility.
The allowance helps with the transport cost to attend activities include sporting events, social outings or visiting friends and family.
Back to topWho can get it
You may receive the allowance to attend recreational activities if all of the following apply to you:
- you are a veteran who suffers from a severe service-related injury or condition
- your incapacity is permanent
- you can be transportable e.g in a car
How much you can receive
There are two rates of Recreational Transport Allowance.
The rate you receive depends on your service-related injury or condition.
The lower rate is $45.30 per fortnight and the higher rate is $91.20 per fortnight.
Severe service-related injury or illness:
The lower rate may be paid if as a result of service-related injury or illness you:
- have both arms amputated at or above the wrists
- have both legs amputated below the knees
- have one leg amputated above the knee and the other below the knee
- have one leg amputated above or below the knee and one arm amputated below the elbow
- are blinded in both eyes
- are handicapped to a similar extent to the incapacities listed above
The higher rate may be paid if as a result of service-related injury or illness you:
- have both legs amputated above the knees
- have extremely limited mobility, such that they are capable of moving only a short distance with the aid of crutches or walking sticks
- are handicapped to a similar extent to the incapacities listed above
How you get it
You can complete a claim form and send it to us by:
- email to, or
- post to GPO Box 9998, BRISBANE QLD 4001.
If you need help accessing or completing the form, you can contact us.
Back to topImportant information
- Payment of this allowance is not included as income for Income Support Pension purposes.
You are not eligible for the allowance if:
- you are being cared for at public expense in a hospital or other institution.
- if you already participate in the Vehicle Assistance Scheme.