Coronavirus effect on veterans’ pensions

Due to the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, veteran pensions did not increase in September.

Veteran pension payments reassessed on 20 September 2020 remained at current rates.

Veteran pensions are indexed in March and September each year in line with changes in the cost of living and wages.

Veteran pension payment recipients will have received two economic support payments in April and July 2020 totalling $1500 as part of the overall economic support from the Australian Government. As announced in the Budget on 6 October 2020, they will also receive two further payments of $250 in December 2020 and March 2021.

Veterans and their families experiencing financial hardship due to the coronavirus should contact DVA for assistance.

For more information, visit the Financial support page,  and the 'Financial news' section of the COVID-19 information page. Pension rates are available via the Payment rates page. Or call 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).