Monument Canadien



Known as Le Mans Memorial: a stone cairn with two plaques. One is inscribed with the names of the eight airmen killed and the other has the flags of Canada, France, Britain and Australia.

Photographs courtesy of David Greenhalgh and Andrew Hall.


The memorial commemorates eight airmen from 432 Squadron, killed on May 23, 1944.

The Halifax III MZ-506 coded QO-X was one of a number of aircraft on an operation to attack the railway yards at Le Mans in France. On board were a crew of six Canadians, one Brit and one Australian, Flight Sergeant Bruce Richmond. According to reports, bombing was accurate and severe damage was caused to the railways and a nearby factory. The Halifax was hit by flak and crashed near the Le Mans airfield. All were killed.

All are buried in Le Mans West Cemetery.

Construction Information

No information available at this time.



From Le Mans take the D338 south then turn right onto Avenue du Panorama, left onto Rue de Laigne which becomes Boulevard des Italiens (D139). The memorial is on an unnamed road to the left (east) of the D139, south-east of the village of Arnage and west of the village of Mulsanne, close to the Le Mans racetrack. The memorial shows on a large scale map as 'Monument Canadien'.

Monument Canadien
Monument Canadien
Monument Canadien
Monument Canadien
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