Stoma products
The Stoma Appliance Scheme provides free stoma appliances to you if you have a stoma (ostomates), through a stoma association. All the items subsidised under the scheme are listed on the Stoma Appliance Scheme Schedule (SASC).
For eligible DVA clients requiring stoma products, DVA funds your annual membership fees to your local stoma associations and the delivery costs for these products.
The scheme schedule specifies a maximum monthly quantity for each product. If you need more than this limit for a clinical reason, an authorised health professional (stomal therapy nurse, registered nurse, nurse practitioner or registered medical practitioner) can authorise additional supplies using the Application form for additional supplies – Clinical. This authorisation lasts 6 months. If you have had a stoma for 6 months or more your health professional can order 2 months’ supply of products at a time.
Find out more at, call (02) 6289 2308 or email