Training and Resources for Coordinated Veterans’ Care (CVC) Providers

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As a GP, nurse or other health professional, you can access training to help you deliver the Coordinated Veterans’ Care (CVC) Program and support veterans and their families.

Health professionals can also access the training resources developed by the Australian Government to assist providers to deliver medical services to all Australians.

Further information on DVA and other Australian Government resources is provided below.

Health professionals may also reach out to their local Primary Health Network for information on available training.

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CVC Program resources

CVC Provider Notes (PDF 711 KB) - The Notes for CVC Program Providers set out legal requirements for those delivering the CVC Program and all persons delivering the program must familiarise themselves with the Notes. The Notes are amended from time to time, and the latest version is available at this link.

Two versions of the CVC Program information brochure are available to provide GPs and veterans with information about the CVC Program. These versions contain a minor correction on the eligibility of Veteran White Card holders.

A Guide for General Practice (PDF 7.73 MB) is available to support General Practices to deliver the CVC Program and assist those considering delivering the CVC Program. The latest version contains a minor correction on the eligibility of Veteran White Card holders.

A short video has been developed by the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (1min 20 secs) giving a brief introduction to the CVC Program for providers.

Video file

Transcript of the CVC overview video (DOCX 19 KB)

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Open Arms

Open Arms logo

Open Arms is Australia’s leading provider of mental health assessment and clinical counselling services for Australian veterans and their families. The free, online training courses and webinars are designed to help clinicians, practice nurses and other clinical practice staff to better support the mental health needs of veterans. Certificates can be used to claim CPD points.

The following training and webinars have been selected to support GPs and other health professionals treating veterans participating in the CVC Program. After clicking on the links below, you will need to log into DVA Train to access them. If you do not have an account, you can register for one.

Online training

One-hour webinars

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Additional Resources

Head to Health

The Department of Health and Aged Care digital mental health gateway, Head to Health, is a free confidential service for all Australians that was designed in collaboration with people with lived experience of mental health challenges, as well as the people that support them, health professionals and service providers.

Head to Health’s ‘Skilling Up’ page provides a range of opportunities and resources for GP’s and other health professionals to further develop their skills and knowledge in the provision of mental health services.

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