Appeal an allowance decision

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An allowance is extra money we may pay along with your usual pension or payment. If you don't agree with a decision we have made about an allowance, you can ask us to review that decision.

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Decisions that follow this pathway

You can ask us to review a decision about any of the following allowances:

  • clothing allowance, the decision to grant this allowance or the rate we pay
  • decoration allowance, the decision to grant this allowance or the rate we pay
  • Victoria Cross allowance, the decision to grant this allowance or the rate we pay
  • recreation transport allowance, the decision to grant this allowance or the rate we pay
  • loss of earnings allowance, the decision to grant this allowance or the rate we pay. 

These decisions will be reviewed under Section 115 of the Veterans Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA).

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Other decisions

If you disagree with one of our other decisions, you can find information on the following pages:

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Request a review

You can request a review in one of the following ways:

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After you lodge an application

A staff member who did not make the original decision will review your case.

If they accept your claim, they will let you know about any backpay.

Next steps

If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of the review conducted by DVA you can appeal to the Administrative Review Tribunal.

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