50th anniversary of Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) was scheduled to conduct a national commemorative service marking the 50th anniversary of Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le. This service was to be conducted at the Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial on Monday 20 September 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions in place within the ACT at the time, a commemorative service at the Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial was unable to take place.
In order to honour the service and sacrifice of not only the six servicemen who died, but all those who served in Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le, a ‘virtual’ commemorative service was broadcast on the ABC on Monday 20 September at 10.30am. The service was also live streamed on DVA’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.
The ‘virtual’ commemorative service features a series of recorded elements incorporating readings and reflections from veterans of the operation and the battle, along with traditional elements of a commemorative service, including a Commemorative Address, the Ode, a minute of silence and the playing of the Last Post.
The ‘virtual’ commemorative service allowed veterans and their families to reflect on their service and remember those with whom they served alongside. It also provided an opportunity for the Australian community to commemorate all veterans who served.
About Operation Ivanhoe
Launched on 19 September 1971, Operation Ivanhoe was a search-and-destroy sweep of the area south of the Courtenay rubber plantation led by the 4th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment/New Zealand (ANZAC) Battalion. The battalion was supported by the 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, armoured personnel carriers from A Squadron, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, sappers from 1st Field Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers and the guns of 12th Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery with significant air support from No. 9 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, 161 (Independent) Reconnaissance Flight and United States aircraft. However, the Australian tanks which had supported previous operations had departed from Vung Tau five days earlier to return home.
Operation Ivanhoe saw Australian forces engage in a series of heavy contacts with the battle-hardened 33rd North Vietnamese Army (NVA) Regiment, including the Battle of Nui Le on 21 September 1971.
The virtual service commemorated all those who served during Operation Ivanhoe including the six Australian servicemen who died and those who were wounded. The service was an opportunity to reflect on the qualities of courage and perseverance that characterised Australians’ service in Vietnam.
Orders of Service
Broadcast of the service
The 50th anniversary of Operation Overlord, including the Battle of Long Khanh, service was live broadcast on ABC and uploaded to DVA social media.
Watch the Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le National Commemorative Service on YouTube
Commemorative coin
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le, the Royal Australian Mint has released a commemorative coin. You can find out more about the commemorative coin at the Royal Australian Mint website.
Contact information
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
- Phone: 1800 838 372 (1800 VETERAN)
- Email: commemorations@dva.gov.au