Matilda Tank Memorial



The Memorial consists of tank parts from Manggar airstrip mounted as a memorial on Parramatta Ridge. The parts are the gun mantlet and some tracks from "Assassin", Troop Leader Dick Steele's tank, destroyed on 5th July, '45. A plaque commemorates the landing of the 7th Division AIF on 1st July 1945. A separate plaque also honours ten members of the 2/l0th Aust. Infantry Bn. killed on Parramatta Ridge and adjacent features.


The Battle of Balikpapan was the concluding stage of the Borneo campaign (1945). The landings took place on 1 July 1945. The Australian 7th Division, composed of the 18th, 21st and 25th Infantry Brigades, with support troops, made an amphibious landing, codenamed Operation Oboe Two a few miles north of Balikpapan, on the island of Borneo. The landing had been preceded by heavy bombing and shelling by Australian and US air and naval forces. The Japanese were totally outnumbered and out gunned, but like the other battles of the Pacific War, many of them fought to the death. Major operations had ceased by July 21. The 7th Division's casualties were significantly lighter than they had suffered in previous campaigns.

The battle was one of the last to occur in the Second World War, beginning a few weeks before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki effectively ended the war. Japan surrendered while the Australians were combing the jungle for stragglers. Following the surrender the three Brigades were committed to occupation duties until around February 1946. The 21st Brigade was detached to Makassar in the Celebes Islands to accept surrender of the Japanese forces, release POWs and maintain civil order.

In September 2001, the extended development of the UNOCAL medical centre had been completed and the site restored to its original condition.

In 2006, Major General David McLachlan AO President of the Victorian Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia arranged for the replacement of the plaque and the Memorial was rededicated on 14 November 2006.

Construction Information

No information available at this time.


Balikpapan, Indonesia.

The Memorial is located in the grounds of the Chevron Indonesia Company Compound at Pasir (Parramatta) Ridge Balikpapan.

Balikpapan is a seaport city on the eastern coast of Borneo Island, Indonesia in the East Kalimantan province.

Matilda Tank Memorial
Matilda Tank Memorial
Matilda Tank Memorial
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