Current projects and announcements
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In addition to the inspection, care and maintenance activities undertaken by the Office of Australian War Graves, is work on specific projects. Works can vary, but will most often involve refurbishment, repairs or from time to time construction.
The OAWG recognises that War Cemeteries and Garden of Remembrance sites are special places for many families and regrets any inconvenience caused as a result of works being undertaken.
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Western Australia Garden of Remembrance (GRM) and Dutch Annex, Perth
The Western Australian Garden of Remembrance and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Dutch Annex adjacent to the Perth War Cemetery will be closed to visitors from 1 February.
The closure was advised by engineers as a necessary precaution to ensure that visitors and OAWG staff and contractors are not harmed by the effects of destabilising ground and structural issues.
Images of the individual plaques in the West Australian Garden of Remembrance are available online via the search for a commemoration function
The Australian Government recognises that these sites are special places for many families and the community of Western Australia and apologises for any inconvenience caused by these necessary works.
The Office of Australian War Graves is examining options for virtual commemoration for all new commemorations.
The Perth War Cemetery remains open.
Further information can be obtained by emailing or calling 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).
South Australian Garden or Remembrance
The Office of Australian War Graves (OAWG) has restricted access to areas of the South Australian Garden of Remembrance (GRM) due to safety concerns as a result of structural issues.
This will mean that some walls will not be accessible to visitors.
Images of all commemorative plaques within the Garden are available online.
The OAWG recognises that the site is a special place for many families and apologises for any inconvenience caused by these necessary safety works.
Further information can be obtained by emailing or calling 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).
Hobart Garden of Remembrance, Tasmania
An assessment at the Hobart Garden of Remembrance identified the need for significant structural remediation to the walls and grounds within the Garden. In the interest of public safety, parts of the Garden have been fenced, pending further investigation.
The Hobart War Cemetery will remain open. Signage is in place to guide visitors.
The Office of Australian War Graves (OAWG) is working to ensure that images of all commemorative plaques within the Garden are available on the Recognition page.
Last updated 1 November 2023
Launceston War Cemetery and Garden of Remembrance
The Launceston Garden of Remembrance (GRM) and War Cemetery, located within the Carr Villa General Cemetery, are undergoing refurbishment work. The work will include, drainage, kerbing, horticultural and associated landscaping, and building refurbishments.
There will be periods when the GRM, War Cemetery and associated buildings will be closed to the public.
The Office of Australian War Graves (OAWG) recognises the Launceston GRM is a special place for many families and regrets any inconvenience caused by these necessary works.
Further information can be obtained by emailing or calling 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)
Last updated 8 August 2024