Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program

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What is the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program (STS Program) 

The STS Program aims is to commemorate the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel who served in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and their families.

The intended outcome of the program is to provide funding for projects and activities that:

  • promote appreciation and understanding of the experiences of service, and the role of service personnel
  • preserve, or increase awareness, understanding or access to information about Australia’s wartime heritage. 
  • Projects and activities relating to all wars, conflicts, peacekeeping operations and National Service are eligible.

How can the grants be used

The STS Program provides funding for one-off, commemorative projects and activities that are ready to proceed and where the funding will ensure their completion. Projects must be able to be completed within 12 months of the funding agreement being executed.

Two categories of grants are available under the STS Program:

Community Grants 

Grants of up to $10,000 are available for local, community-based commemorative projects and activities. These grants are for projects and activities that are focused on the local community, commemorate the service and sacrifice of local community members, and are primarily accessed by the local community.

Some examples of Community Grants projects and activities include: 

  • development of a digital honour roll
  • restoration of an existing local war memorial
  • purchase of a cabinet to display military memorabilia.

Major Grants

Grants of between $10,001 and $150,000 are available for major commemorative projects and activities that are significant from a national, state/territory or broader regional perspective. 

Major Grants have a much wider focus than Community Grants. They must commemorate the service and sacrifice of service personnel beyond the local community, and/or consist of elements that are available to the whole nation, or residents of a state or territory, or the broader regional area. A high monetary value project or activity does not necessarily mean that it is significant at a national, state, territory or broader regional level.

Some examples of Major Grant projects and activities include:

  • construction of an interactive memorial walking track dedicated to all Australian service personnel
  • development of a digital honour roll and interpretive signage to commemorate the history of service personnel from a particular region
  • publication of a book commemorating Australian service personnel from the Malayan Emergency
  • development of a documentary commemorating Australian Prisoners of War. 

Who can apply

To be eligible, you must be one of the eligible entity types listed in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines, which are published on GrantConnect.

How do I apply 

The STS Program is an open competitive grant opportunity. 

The STS Program is currently not open for applications. You can register on GrantConnect to receive notification of when this grant opportunity will open for applications.

You are strongly encouraged to read all grant opportunity documentation, including the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and instructions in the application form.  Documentation is specific to each round and includes information about the purpose of the program, eligibility and compliance requirements, eligible items, timeframes and how to apply.

More information can be found at Getting started with GrantConnect.

The Community Grants Hub can assist you with your application. Phone 1800 020 283 or email

Heritage considerations

If your project involves restoring or changing a memorial or other commemorative artefact, there may be heritage and conservation considerations. You are responsible for ensuring that  heritage requirements are met.  You may like to seek advice from your local council, the Returned and Services League of Australia, the owner of the memorial, or your state or territory government heritage body. 

Some useful links are:    

How are applications assessed

Applications are assessed based on the criteria set out in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

Recommendations for grant funding are made to the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, who is the decision maker.

When will I know the outcome of my application

You will be notified of the outcome of your application after the closing date and when the assessment process is completed.

What happens if my grant application is successful

If your application is successful, you will be sent a grant agreement. Payments are made after you have correctly signed and returned your grant agreement.

Grants need to be acquitted when the project is completed and within the timeframe specified in the grant agreement.

You cannot receive another grant until any outstanding DVA grant acquittals have been submitted.

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