Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

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What is the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

The Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) is intended to assist eligible retirees and other eligible seniors who fail to qualify for income support payments from DVA because of income and assets.

If you were receiving Social Security Age Pension paid by DVA and you no longer receive payments because of an income and assets test, you may also be eligible for the CSHC.

The card enables you to get discounts and concessions on health care as well as other living costs.

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Who can receive it

Your eligibility for the card depends on your circumstances.

You may be eligible to receive the CSHC if you are an Australian resident who is either:

To be eligible for a CSHC you must also:

  • be 60 years of age if you are a veteran with QS or a war widow/er
  • be Age Pension age if you are a partner of a veteran with QS or a previous Social Security Age pension recipient
  • not be receiving a Service Pension (SP), Income Support Supplement (ISS) or Social Security Age pension from DVA
  • not be receiving a pension or benefit or CSHC from Services Australia
  • satisfy the CSHC income test.

Your eligibility also depends on the CSHC income test which includes:

You can earn up to:

  • $99,025 per year if you are single
  • $158,440 per year if you are a couple
  • $198,050 per year (combined) if you are a couple separated by illness, respite care or prison.

If you are caring for a child, you can earn an extra $639.60 per year.

You may be eligible for a CSHC even if you are no longer receiving a pension because of changes to:

  • your income and assets
  • the pension assets test on 1 January 2017

You may also be eligible for a CSHC if you are widowed or separated from a partner who receives either:

  • age pension
  • invalidity service pension

If you already have a Pensioner Concession Card (PCC), you will not be eligible for a CSHC.

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Estimated income

If you estimate your income when you apply for your card, you will need to send your notice of assessment from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to us within:

  • 12 months of the end of the tax year
  • 3 months of receiving your notice of assessment.
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Health benefits

You can get cheaper prescription medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)

The benefits include:

  • prescriptions at the concession rate of $7.70 each
  • free prescriptions once you spend up to the PBS Safety Net limit in a calendar year.

Your GP may also be able to bulk bill your medical appointments. 

You could have higher medical costs if you often need to:

  • see your doctor
  • have blood tests or scans.

You can get more back for each treatment under the Medicare Safety Net once you spend up to the limit.

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Other living costs

You can also use your card to get discounts and concessions on:

  • electricity and gas bills
  • property and water rates
  • ambulance services
  • dental treatment
  • eye care
  • public transport

You can find the full list of Government concessions in your state or territory.

We don't set the discount and concession amounts. These are set by the organisations and businesses that charge these fees.

The discount amounts may change without notice.

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How to  apply for a card

You can apply for your CSHC through us or Services Australia.

To apply through us, you can either:

If you are part of a couple, you will need to give us your partner's information as part of your application.

We will need your partner's consent to collect the information. Your partner can either:

You can call us on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) to request a claim form.

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How to use your card

To get discounts on medical treatment or prescriptions, show your CSHC each time you visit your medical centre or pharmacy.

To get a concession on eligible bills, you need to apply to the organisation that provides you with the service.

You can apply for the concessions through the Government concessions in your state or territory page.

The organisation you apply to may contact us to check your card's eligibility.

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What you need to tell us

It is important to tell us about changes that could affect your eligibility for CSHC.

You need to tell us about any changes within:

You must tell us if you or your partner:

  • earns more than the CSHC income test amount
  • buys a new superannuation account-based pension
  • experience changes to your family circumstances
  • move overseas or travel overseas for more than 6 weeks
  • start receiving a pension, benefit or concession card from Services Australia.
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