Veteran Card

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Veteran Cards can be used to access medical and mental health treatment, prescription medicines in Australia.

Transcript of DVA Veteran Cards

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What are Veteran Cards

Veteran Cards can be used to access medical and mental health treatment, prescription medicines in Australia.

The benefits you can get with a Veteran Card will depend on the colour of your card. There are 3 kinds of Veteran Cards:

  • Veteran Gold Card gives access to treatment for all medical conditions. This card may be issued to veterans with certain types of service, war widow(er)s and some dependants.
  • Veteran White Card gives access to treatment for accepted service-related conditions and may give access to mental health treatment. This card is for former members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) with accepted conditions or certain types of service.
  • Veteran Orange Card gives concessions on prescription medicines, wound care items and nutritional supplements. This card is for Commonwealth and allied veterans of the Second World War. 

An example Veteran's Gold CardAn example Veteran's White Card

States, Territories, and businesses may offer concessions and benefits to Veteran Card holders.

The Veteran Card is part of the Australian Defence Veterans' Covenant.

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How to apply for your Veteran Card

In some cases, if we know you are eligible, we will send you a Veteran Card automatically.

To read more about eligibility and how to get a card, click on the links below:

Veteran Gold Card

Veteran White Card

Veteran Orange Card

Alternatively, you can call us on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).

If you are not eligible for a Veteran Card you may be eligible for a: 

Digital Veteran Cards

Once you have a White Card or Gold Card you can also access a digital version via MyService.

If you don’t have a MyService account it is easy to get one.

Sign in or register with myGov

If you have linked your MyService account to myGov, you can also add your card to the myGov wallet.

How to add your card to the myGov wallet

To do this:

  1. Open the myGov app.
  2. Go to Wallet on the home screen.
  3. Select the Plus at the top to add a new card to your wallet. Then select the card you would like to add. (MyService must be linked to myGov for card to be added).
  4. Confirm consent for using the myGov wallet.
  5. Your card is now digitally available through the myGov app!

This video explains how to do so.

Transcript: How to add your Veteran Card to the myGov wallet.

You can read the Frequently Asked Questions on the Veteran Card in the myGov wallet for more information.

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How you use it

When you use your Veteran Card for medical treatment:

  1. Tell your health provider that you have the Veteran Card and ask them if they will accept this for your treatment.
  2. They may ask if you have a referral.
  3. In some cases they may need to get prior approval from us.
  4. Your provider will then tell you if they can accept your Veteran Card.

If you visit your doctor for a prescription, show them your Veteran Card so they can prescribe your items through the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS).

You also need to show your card to pharmacy staff when you take your prescription to the counter.

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Things you should know

  • When you apply for a Veteran Card, we will also let you know if you have access to free mental health treatment, if ever required.
  • When you apply for a Veteran Card, we will also check your eligibility for the Veterans Supplement.
  • Always check with your medical provider that they will accept your Veteran Card.
  • Veteran Cards work anywhere in Australia but cannot be used overseas.
  • Cards have expiry dates but are replaced automatically.
  • If your card is lost, stolen or damaged you can order a new one though MyService or by calling 1800 VETERAN (1800 383 372).
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Other cards available to you and your family

If you are not eligible for a Veteran Card you may qualify for a concessions card:

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