Qualifying service

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Qualifying service is one criteria for getting a Service Pension. Having qualifying service also means that you may be entitled to the Veteran Gold Card when you turn 70, giving you access to the Veterans’ Pharmaceutical Reimbursement Scheme.

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What is qualifying service

Qualifying service is one of the criteria for getting a Service Pension.

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Who has qualifying service

You may be considered to have qualifying service if you are any of the following:

  • an Australian veteran
  • an allied veteran
  • a Commonwealth veteran

You may have qualifying service if you served between 2 September 1939 and 29 October 1945 and are either:

  • a civilian who performed certain tasks in aid of the Australian war effort
  • a person regarded as a member of the Australian armed forces

There are different eligibility requirements for other conflicts. Depending on the conflict, to have qualifying service you may need to have served in any of the following:

  • in operations against the enemy
  • in an operational area during certain time periods
  • at a time when you incurred danger from hostile forces of the enemy
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When you are not eligible

You are not eligible for qualifying service as an allied veteran or allied mariner if you have at any time either:

  • served in the forces of a country, or allies of a country, that was at war with Australia
  • engaged in hostile operations against Australia
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Service during the Second World War

You may have performed qualifying service if you served overseas between 2 September 1939 and 29 October 1945 (inclusive) and incurred danger from hostile forces of the enemy.

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Service inside Australia

You may have qualifying service if you are an Australian veteran of the Second World War and served either:

  • for a continuous 3 months in the Northern Territory above 14.5 degrees south latitude. This covers service in and around Darwin during the period of Japanese air attacks which occurred between 19 February 1942 and 12 November 1943.
  • in other areas of Australia that were subject to enemy attack. You will need to provide a statement describing how you incurred danger from hostile forces of the enemy.
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Service after the Second World War

You may have qualifying service from either: 

  • a pre-1998 deployment overseas to an operational area defined in Schedule 2 of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA) if you were allotted for duty on operations in that area
  • a deployment which the Minister for Defence has declared to be warlike service 

Operations that may count as qualifying service are listed below in the Post Second World War Operations Table. Please note that the requirements and eligibility for benefits are different for Commonwealth and allied veterans of post Second World War conflicts.

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Service for Commonwealth and allied veterans

You may be considered a Commonwealth or allied veteran with qualifying service if you served prior to 12 January 1973 and incurred danger from a hostile force in any of the following conflicts: 

  • Second World War 
  • Korean War 
  • Malaya Emergency 
  • Other war-like operations from 31 July 1962 to 11 January 1973 
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Service in bomb and mine clearance operations

You may have qualifying service if you were awarded the Naval General Service Medal or General Service Medal (Army and Royal Air Force) with one of the following medals or clasps:

  • the Mine-sweeping 1945-51 Clasp
  • the Bomb-Mine Clearance 1945-53 Clasp
  • the Bomb and Mine Clearance 1945-49 Clasp
  • the Bomb and Mine Clearance 1945-56 Clasp
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Service on submarines between 1978 and 1997

You may have qualifying service if you served in submarine operations between 1978 and 1997 for which the Australian Service Medal (ASM) with Clasp Special Ops was awarded.

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Post Second World War Operations Table

Listed in full in VEA Schedule 2 - Operational Areas.

LocationStart dateEnd dateOperation
Afghanistan7 October 200131 December 2014Operation Enduring Freedom
 1 December 200131 December 2014Operation Ariki
 18 April 20035 July 2004Operation Palate
 17 July 200331 December 2014Operation Athena
 11 August 200331 December 2014International Security Assistance Force
 1 September 200431 December 2014Operation Herrick
 27 June 200510 March 2017Operation Palate II
 1 January 20158 October 2021Operation Highroad
 28 April 2016ongoingOperation Augury
Cambodia20 October 19917 October 1993VEA, Schedule 2, Item 12
East Timor16 September 199923 February 2000Operations Faber and Stabilise
 16 September 199910 April 2000Operation Warden
 20 February 200019 May 2002Operation Tanager
 20 May 200217 August 2003Operation Citadel
Gulf War of 1990/19912 August 19909 June 1991VEA, Schedule 2, Item 10
Iraq23 February 19919 June 1991VEA, Schedule 2, Item 11
 30 June 199112 January 2003Operation Jural
 11 August 1991 15 December 1996Operation Provide Comfort
 31 August 199212 January 2003Operations Southern Watch and Bolton
 13 January 199319 January 1993VEA, Schedule 2, Item 15
 1 January 199712 January 2003Operation Northern Watch
 18 March 200322 July 2003Operation Falconer
 21 July 200814 December2013Operation Riverbank
 9 August 2014ongoingOperations Okra (the operational area changes of time)
 16 July 200331 July 2009Operation Catalyst
 1 January 20099 August 2011Operation Kruger
 10 September 2018OngoingOperation Steadfast
Korea27 June 195019 April 1956VEA, Schedule 2, Item 1
Lebanon12 July 200614 August 2006Operation Paladin
Libya31 March 201131 October 2011NATO no-fly zone and maritime enforcement operation against Libya
Malaya29 June 195031 August 1957VEA, Schedule 2, Item 2
Malaya and Singapore1 September 195731 July 1960VEA, Schedule 2, Item 3
Malay-Thai border1 August 196016 August 1964VEA, Schedule 2, Item 5
Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei17 August 196414 September 1966VEA, Schedule 2, Item 7
Mali1 April 2020OngoingOperation Orenda
Middle East Area of Operations (actual area varies according to date of service)11 October 200131 December 2014Operation Slipper
Namibia 18 February 198910 April 1990VEA, Schedule 2, Item 9
North East Thailand31 May 196227 July 1962VEA, Schedule 2, Item 3A (Ubon only)
 25 June 196531 August 1968VEA, Schedule 2, Item 3B (including Ubon)
Rwanda25 July 199416 January 1996Operation Tamar
Sabah & Sarawak (now part of Malaysia) & Brunei8 December 196216 August 1964VEA, Schedule 2, Item 6
Sierra Leone15 January 200128 February 2003Operation Husky
Somalia20 October 199230 November 1994VEA, Schedule 2, Item 14
Syria9 September 2015ongoingOperation Okra
Vietnam31 July 196211 January 1973VEA, Schedule 2, Items 4 & 8
 12 January 197329 April 1975Australian Embassy Guards and RAAF evacuation personnel in Vietnam
(Former) Yugoslavia12 January 199224 January 1997VEA, Schedule 2, Item 13
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What you can get

You may be able to receive the Service Pension. If you are an Australian veteran you may also be able to receive other benefits.

If certain eligibility is met you may be entitled to a Veteran Gold Card.

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How to apply

You can apply for qualifying service online through MyService.

Using MyService means:

  • it is simpler and faster to submit your claim
  • we can access the information we need quickly
  • there is no need to wait for documents through the post

Find out how to register for MyService. If you need help to register, call us on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372). To access MyService, sign in to MyGov.

If you prefer to use paper forms, you can download and complete either:

You may also need to fill out either:

Contact us and we can send you the ones you need. There may be different forms to complete depending on your circumstances.

You may need to provide us with documentation such as:

  • service records
  • a discharge certificate

All documents must be supplied as certified copies.

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Important information

Qualifying service is based on actual hostilities. The dates that are accepted can differ from the formal dates of peace treaties and from the dates for operational service.

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What other help is available

Benefits and services may be available to members and other participants involved in either:

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