Assistive Communication Device – Electronic

Last modified
8 July 2024
RAP item number
RAP item category
Speech Appliances
Is this a contracted item


Is prior approval required



*Audiologist may assess for a speech processor.

This item also includes:

  • base model tablets and iPads with a protective cover to be used specifically for the purpose of running assistive speech or speech pathology software and applications.  Provision for any other purpose will not be considered.
  • personal computers and laptops, which are electronic communication systems combining hardware and software. This item is only to be issued to DVA clients with a severe communication impairment or complex communication needs.
  • Speech Pathology software and applications

Education and training in usage for the entitled person should be undertaken prior to provision.

Repairs and maintenance to the communication device following the cessation of any warranty period set by the supplier should be arranged through DVA.

For personal computers, laptops, tablets and iPads any additional software requirements such as antivirus programs, operating systems, word processing programs, and internet accessing fees are the responsibility of the entitled person.

RAP National Guidelines – Assistive Communications Devices

Assistive Communication Device and/or Speech Pathology Apps/Software Form – D1382

Contact the DVA Provider Line on 1800 550 457 and select option 1, then option 2, for RAP for further information.

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