Terendak Memorial to the Missing
White tablets on a black granite faced wall with an inscription and list of names.
The Memorial to the Missing commemorates, by name, those Commonwealth Service personnel who died during the Malayan Emergency and Confrontation but whose bodies were never recovered.
The cemetery is situated within the perimeter of Terendak Army Camp, Malacca. The camp is located on the West Coast some thirteen miles north of Malacca on the Malacca-Masjid Tanah Road.
The camp was built during 1957-1959 and was sited at Malacca in order to assist the economy of the state. It was a Commonwealth venture designed to house the 28th Commonwealth Infantry Brigade on their move from North Malaysia in 1959-1960. Funds were provided by the governments of Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand on a percentage basis.
Units of 28 Comwel Brigade, as it became known, were actively engaged in Borneo during the period of confrontation with Indonesia from 1963 until 1966 and some casualties from this campaign are buried in the cemetery. Additionally some Australian and New Zealand casualties from the Vietnam War were flown to Terendak and buried there.
The remainder of the graves are those of British and Commonwealth troops and their dependants who died of natural causes during the Brigade’s occupation of the camp, plus the remains of some Service personnel which were exhumed from outlying cemeteries and reburied in Terendak.
The graves lie on a slope surrounded by trees. At the foot of the slope lies a garden of remembrance where children are buried.
For information regarding burials in Terendak Military Cemetery, contact the Office of Australian War Graves. Those intending to visit Terendak need to follow strict procedures prior to visiting.
Construction Information
No information available at this time.
Malacca - Masjid Tanah Road, Malacca, Malaysia.
The Memorial to The Missing is located within the Military Cemetery at Terendak, now a Malaysian Garrison.
Permission to visit this cemetery must be obtained in advance from the military authorities and is best sought by contacting the Defence Attache, Australian High Commission in Malaysia for further information on visiting these sites.